My mother was a zombie

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Okay so I know that sounds awesome and you are probably asking "Eria? Does that make you part zombie?" No, I'm not, I'm one third zombie. My father was all human and my mother was only half zombie so there BLEH! Anyways you are also wondering "Eria? Who the hell is your mother?"

Well exactly. You see Loki had a wife, Sigyn, and two children called Narfi and Vali but he had an affair with a giantess which lead to her having three "monstrous" children, The serpent who was thrown in the sea called, Jormungandr, the Fenris Wolf who was chained away but still managed to father a few of his own and my mother Hel. Hel was born half dead, between light and dark, and she ruled over the dishonourable dead. I was born her fifth daughter and tenth child of her over many centuries. We all look different but we do have similar things in common that give us away. One dead eye and one dead ear, deep black hair and half over our skin is always, rotting, missing or even just darker. The final child was Sleipnir an eight legged horse. So Loki should have followed Darwin's law, why do you care?

Well what if I told you the children of the gods of darkness and gods of light once nearly wiped out everyone and started the apocalypse because someone was snubbed at a party. Sounds interesting right? Well like I said it starts with my mother, the zombie

"Helena! Ingrid! Kenna! Eria! Nessa! come on girls or you are gonna be late to school!" Loki said as he scrambled eggs in a frilly pink apron and wolf oven mitts

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"Helena! Ingrid! Kenna! Eria! Nessa! come on girls or you are gonna be late to school!" Loki said as he scrambled eggs in a frilly pink apron and wolf oven mitts. He didn't normally dress like that but today, since Sigyn was on one of her "Payoff day-offs" he was in charge of getting all of his grandchildren to school.

Eria run down combing bangs into from of her pale blue dead eye and ran up and hugged her grandfather. 

"There are my favourite girls." Loki embraced the five young girls as they came down one by one.

"Aww come on granddad, I thought you didn't play favourites." Fenrir joked. He bumped Ingrid over and Loki gave an exasperated look. Fenrir  was one of the few children of the Fenris Wolf who could turn into a full human and not be a human-half breed or just be a dog.

Fenrir brushed back silver and hair and bit into a piece of bacon then chuckled. Loki ruffled his hair and then kissed his forehead.

"Ah my lovely little chaos spawns... You're a pain in the ass." Loki took the rest of the bacon and pushed the small of Eria's back and shoed them all out of the kitchen. Eria pulled a purple sweater off a hook to finish her uniform and pulled it over her white tank top.

Most children who are the dark gods children have to cover their "deformities" so if any normal teen saw them there wouldn't be any question. They dark children were supposed to wear, black, white, purple, blue and green while the light would be dressed in red, gold, silver, orange, brown and even pink. Eria often wondered if this was done so innocence would be prejudged but then again they would be prejudged regardless.

Ingrid walked over and pulled down her blue sweater and turned around.

"Where is Ferris?" She asked in her thick Norse accent.

Behind her a gray wolf let out a low bark then began to whine. Ingrid turned around and sighed as she knelt down and scratched behind his ear. He barked again and whimpered as Loki sighed.

"Ferris was having trouble this morning, Wolfgang, Ralph, and Rudolph are having the same problem." Ferris whimpered in agreement. Loki opened his mouth but a car horn blocked him out. Helena, Nessa, and Kenna exchanged glances and Kenna signed 'It's time to go' and Helena smiled then looked at Loki and kissed his cheek.

"Bye granddad, I love you, we gotta go!"

"The bus isn't here yet."

"We're going with some friends." Nessa called pulling on her sweater and grabbing her purse.

"When did I agree to this?" Loki said with a stern look.

"Grandma did. Besides Uncle Narfi said he approves of them." Helena giggled  and flipped her thick black hair over her perfect shoulders

"Oh...I... Wait! Girls! That's exactly why I don't want you going with them. You ladies are gonna be in a lot of trouble when you come..." the door slammed. "When you are in armor and gold horns you're feared, respected, you put on an apron and mitts suddenly you are uncool!" Loki took off his mitts and took them off and sat on the step while Ferris walk up and put is head in his granddads lap.

"Woof." He said in a normal human voice and suddenly turned into a naked gray haired boy with fluffy gray ears and a fluffy gray tail. He smiled and wagged his tail happily. Loki chuckled and scratched his ears.

"Ferris, I love you but I am not a teenage girl watches anime, don't ever do that again." Loki said pushing Ferris out of his lap. "Now get dressed and get your brothers and sisters up and ready." Eria smiled as her wolven brothers and sisters rush up while howling and barking as they rushed out in their school clothes, other siblings whinnied, hissed and the normal chaos of the house took hold as all of Loki's grandchildren rushed out. Loki almost in mothers speed grabbed all of their lunches and bags then held them out the door as they rushed out. Eria and Fenrir stayed in the kitchen with Ingrid and Ferris. Fenrir sipped a cup of coffee as the children rushed out by the thousands. Finally the children died down and the four of them began to head out. Loki watch them leave and he kissed Eria's cheek and Ingrid's forehead. Some how four different parents seemed to produce his four favourite children.

Ingrid was actually the daughter Sleipnir, she had mastered a human form from a young age but still had some horse qualities like long fast legs, long think hair and a bit of a longer face than most normal girls. It added to her supernatural beauty and suited with her when she dressed like a medieval lady 

Ferris on the other hand was a painful memory for Loki.

Fenrir was the son of the Fenris Wolf and oh boy did he love it. He was the first pup ever to be born, his father regularly talked to him and he was almost as big as his dad. Fenrir had his father's snow white fur and blue eyes that could freeze a volcano from irrupting from sheer fear but seemed to have stars in them. He was tall and muscular and Eria felt anyone could hide behind him and he would protect them.

The four of them walked to the bus stop and hung out on the bench until they saw some blondes walking down the road.

"Thoraxes," Ferris muttered as they sat up.

"Wolfe!" The oldest yelled out. The children all looked like Thor, long blonde hair that was thick and curly, buff and beefy, pale blue eyes and a cocky arrogant attitude, a messiah complex and a way over rarely saving the day. Ferris growled at the nickname and Ingrid pulled out her knitting needles and yarn.

"You guys ready for school?" Bjorn asked just trying to be friendly.

"Yea? You guys ready for sccchhhhhoooooollllll?" Kristopher asked slurring his words as he stumbled. Thor loved parties, loved drinking and loved games and there for his children loved the same thing. 

"Not really..." Eria said unsurely.

"Aw come on it will be funnn~!" Anna stumbled.

Eria rolled her eyes and waited for the bus to come while Fenrir  and Ferris tried to keep Kristopher and Anna off of them. Finally the bus arrived and a smoking bus driver opened the door and let the teens off to school.

"Off to hell," Anna joked. "Oops, sorry Eria."

Eria rolled her eyes and looked to the sky, and saw a cloud cover the sun washing out the last bit of light. Ragnarok symbols where very simple sometimes but Eria simply frowned and hoped on the bus and pushed the thought away.   

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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