People and Places

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Why hello fellow readers. I am Xavier Madison, fellow reader, writer, and friend to all. I am a junior in high school in the great city of Carmen Illinois. Let's get to know some of the people we will be meeting within this book. Keep in mind they write in this too so they tell their stories as well.
Ok so first we have Annie, a soon to be nurse who is my best friend. Well one of 3.
Shay, who is my second best friend, is a home schooled freshmen who is very naive and doesn't know much about the world.
And third is my friend Harper, who is a sophomore and a huge anime and Manga fan. She knows more that anyone else at our school.
Now we have secondary parts in this book. These people were either right behind my best friends or my worst enimies.
Ok so first you have Alaska, who is a bitchy book nerd. She'll blame you for just about anything and will stop at nothing to ruin you. And that's why she was my best friend.
Then you have Kelsy who is a freshmen with a great sense of humor. She is a trumpet player within the band at our school which btw I am the pit section leader.
Then we have Conway, a huge ass when you argue with him. He will give you a fucking death stare before anything nice.
So anyway there are some people who I would love you to know about.
So like I've said earlier we all live in Carmen Illinois which is near Quincy. Carmen is pretty small but yet not big. It's complicated.
Oh and I can't forget my two main crushes. Btw I'm bisexual so if your confused on these crushes we'll now your not. The first one is named Greg who is an amazing percussion player and and amazing athlete.
And the second crush is someone who isn't currently in school with us. His name is Andy. He is 18 and super nice. That boy can also beat your face in if you take away something he cares about. I love them so much but they don't even notice me.
So to end off chapter 1 I will give you one of my infinite moments so you know what I mean by that. Ok so one night I was riding in the back of a truck by myself while me and my family we're camping and I looked up at the stars and it was like time froze. It was so beautiful I couldn't believe I was seeing it. Anyways this is the end of part one so I'll see you next time.

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