It All Started With Skype

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 "Why do you have to go?" I whined as Julie put her last couple of bags in her car. She was going on vacation to Florida because she was tired of being in boring old Iowa.

 "Because Iowa is boring." she laughed.

 "But you're gonna leave me alone at school! I have no other friends except for Danny, but he's, well, gay... Don't leave me!" I whine.

 "I'm sorry, Jen, but everyone needs a vacation sometimes. Here's my Skype, I'll text you when I can Skype with you." she says as she hands me a piece of paper with her Skype name on it. Haha. Her Skype name is ZaynMalikIsAHotty. That's hilarious! I throw it away because I'm sure I'll remember.

 "Well, you gonna drive me to the airport?" asks Julie.

 "Yeah, I guess." I say and hop into the drivers seat and turned the car on. We got to the airport an hour later after a quiet ride.

 "Well, see you on Skype!" she says as we walk into the airport.

 "Yeah, and make sure you buy me something!" I laugh as she gets into line.

 "Bye!" she yells.

 Bye!" I wave back and she disappears. I get in the car and "Kiss You" by One Direction comes on! My favorite song! I started to sing along with it. One thing (See what I did there? No? Okay continue.) you should know about me is I'm a huge directioner. Me and Julie both. We both like Zayn. The song ends. Aww... Dang. I wish there was a radio station with just 1D songs. That'd be awesome. I got home and went on Tumblr to blog some stuff about 1D. Yes, I know I'm lame, but hey, I'm a directioner, so it's normal.

 "Jennifer, is that you?" my mom calls from the kitchen.

 "No, mom, it's a burglar, I've come to use the computer!" I say sarcastically. My dog, Teddy, comes and hops up on my lap. He's a morkie. (Maltese/Yorkie mix) "Hey, Teddy" I say as I scratch him behind the ear. I posted this really hot pic of Zayn and then went on Facebook. Hmmm... Lets see what people are posting today... Don't care. You're annoying. No one Cares Chelsie! Lame. Boring. Blah, blah, blah. Ugh, Facebook is so boring! I decided to text Julie.

 'Hey, when can we chat??' I text.

 'Ummm... I have my computer and the plane has Wi-Fi, so, wanna Skype?' she texts.

 'yeah!' I text and type in Skype on my computer. I log in and the type in her user name.

'ZaynIsHot' I type. Told ya I'd remember it! The screen popped up and... Oh. My. God.

 "Hello?" a British accent says. I'm completely shocked! I must've typed in the wrong name! I'm talking to Zayn Malik!!! Ahhh!!!!!

 "H-hi." I stutter.

 "How'd you get my Skype?" he laughs.

 "Uh, I typed in the wrong name I guess. Sorry." I say stuttering a few times.

 "It's okay, love." he smiles. "What's your name?" he asks. ErMahGerd. Zayn Malik want to know my name!

 " Jennifer, but you can call me Jen." I say. Still stuttering.

 "Hello Jen! Vas' happenen?" he says, and then, I fangirled. Ugh! Why do I have to do this?!

 "Omg, I'm so sorry. Uh, not that much." I laugh.

 "It's okay. How old are you?" he laughs.

 "18" I say.

 "Nice, well, um, I have to go, could I have your number?" he asks. ERMAHGERD!

 "Yeah." I say then tell him my number. We texted for a while and he got to know me and such, then I remembered Julie. Oops. I decided to text her.

 'Omg, I just had the best moment of my life...' I text her.

 'What happened?! Why didn't you Skype me?' she texts.

 'I typed in your name wrong and then ZAYN MALIK popped up on the screen! So I talked to him then he asked me for my ni\umber and we texted and AHHHH!' I texted.

 'OMG! You have to give me his number!' she texts.

 'IDK if I should.' I text. 'I'll aske him' so I texted Zayn to ask if I could and he said he'd rather me not.

 'He said he didn't want me too, sorry.' I text her.

 'Oh, okay. :(' she texts. I just had the best day of my life...

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