All About Aleigha

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So lets start of this story by telling you guys my name . My name Is Aleigha and im going to be telling you guys a TRUE story on something that started from just a facebook message .

It was January 8th. iWas bored, lonely, and in need of outside time. I decide to log onto facebook. I faced alot of problems at home. i Just needed somebody to hang with. So i sign in and make A status saying "Who wants to hang?? " I get over 15 likes, either they were creeps or people who didnt seem interesting enough to chill. I ended up locking myself into my room and just listen to the arguing coming out of my mothers bedroom. Dont they ever get tired of fighting??? I Then turn on the radio drowning out some of the arguing. i HATE when they argue. it seems like they never stop until somebody starts crying. Either it being me or My little sister Rhomia (Rome-e-Uh) She was only 4 and our real dad died .. well idk. All iwas told was Him and my mom got into an arguement that day about something stupid and my Dad wasnt reaaly the arguing type. he would just leave and drive around the block a couple of times. It was raining that night he left... Sometimes i just sit Nd pray.. Why God! why did you take my father away??? he didnt deserve to go! he had a family that loved him and friends who enveyed him. i always knew that story my mom told me about how my dad just up and left wasnt true. it was weird.. and unbelievable thats not the type of person my dad was. I had asked my Grandma what really happened. and i guess my mom went to far in this arguement and got violent. as self defence my dad pushed her onto the bed. and punches the wall. MY mom then pulls out her phone and calls My Uncle Kilo. and doesnt talk. just Screaming into the phone telling him my Dad pushed her down knowing she was pregnant. my dad then slips on his coat and walks out the house. BOOM! BOOM ! BOOM! We all know what that means.. my mom fell to her knees and i guess she was pretty upset cause she had Rhomia 2 months earlier then what she should have. I then lay down on my"bed" which is just a bunch of covers and a few couch pillows. I guess i had fell asleep cause when i opended my eyes i was tangled in Rhomias jump rope. i Decide to delete the post because i didnt hang out with anybody that day. As im clicking the options to delete this post i randomly get another like.. seeing its way to late Nd my parents would never let me leave out the house i just examined the little notification box this is somebody ive never seen before. So i inbox him. His name was Jaelyn. I didnt even get on my stalker status and look at every and any little thing on his page. So i just inboxed him excitedly. He inboxes me back with a couple of minutes with a simple "Hey(:" We then trade general information. Like name, age, city, stuff like that .

We talked all night long, and ended up trading numbers! which was a first. i never gave my number to somebody that fastly. He told me he was going to call me. I got butterflies and could not stop smiling(: " Im on that good kush and alchohol.. i got some down bitches i can call" My ringtone goes off. And I hop up fastly and let the phone ring a couple more times so i dont seem thirsty. "Helllllooooooooo" i say in the cutest voice i can make possibly. "Ahhh you were right. you do have a funny voice" Jaelyn says. " Well Hi to you too i say flirtatiously" (: We were on the phone for about 6 hours!! I felt something that i had never felt before. Maybe it was somethin i ate.. idk. I decide to go off into the kitchen and get me a little snack. Seeing i was in my room all night on the phone. As i open my door i see my mother stretched out across the couch with a cigarette in her hand.. smh .. she didnt start smokin till she met "Pops" He was one of Daddys friends. He moved in about a month after daddy died.. its strange because i think Him and my mom are screwing around. if daddy was still here and he found out.. he wouldnt be to happy. i knoe hes in heaven looking down at us. But i take the lit cigarette out my Ma's mouth and flick it in the sink. Just thinking about my phone call with Jaelyn made me blush <3<3 I Open the fridge slowly not trying to wake mom up. Theres not much to eat in the fridge the link doesnt get cut on until the 1st which is in 4 more days. So i see a box full of wings from The Chicken Shack. As im sitting there eatin the chicken pop walks in and sees me. " What THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING EATIN MY SHIT MAN?????? He walks over to me before i could say anything and slaps me right across the face.. i fall to the ground sobbing. my Mom woke up from the impact of me falling on the floor and rushes to me and lays my head on her lap while she strokes my cheek. Pops left the room. we were all scared of him. My mom starts singing " Dont you worry.. everythings gone be alriiight" My dad would always sing that song when something bad happens. He would always guarentee there would be a better tomorrow. i fake like im asleep.. and she puts me on my bed and sets a cup of water right next to me. after i hear the squeaky door close. i get up and grabbed this dingy cloth. thats the only thing i have left of my dad. he always carried around little towel. it still even smelled like him.. after all these years. just huggin that cloth made me feel so comfortable. like my dad was in the room.

(The next day)

Buzzzz.. BUzzz... my phone vibrates .. it was Jaelyn. "Goodmornin Beautiful" he sho knows how to make me smile!

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