I might be jabbering a lot, may be even annoying you with my talks
when I am trying to fill that silence which burdens all my words like dead weight
It takes strength to lift those words off my mind through the live cables that take them to my tongue
to create to and fro motions by contracting and relaxing those muscles to articulate
and spit out those words like random cannons of sound that can fill the room with unlimited words leaving no space for silence
The words bounce and scatter, struggling their way through the thick envelope of silence that surrounds the air I breath in
By the time those words reach my ear, creating vibrations on my ear drum, they are coated with viscous silence, thick and depressing
and the vibrations create dull signals which travel to brain, tired and failing.
Silence knows how to be present in noisiest room, in ringing sounds of laughter
It knows how to hide in every sigh that follows.
Sad Poems 2
PoetryI wasn't intending another Sad poems book but I find it hard to not feel the stories. I necessarily don't feel like that.