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Dear Sheila,
I heard the news. Two shots of poison and you were dead. For someone who had everything you gave it away pretty quick. Why Sheila? Please tell me.

My condolences,

This is my new story, and sort of my only story. I have tried to write other things, but uh *tries to clear throat but ends up in a coughing fit* they didn't really work out. I don't think this with be a depressing story, I will try to keep it lighthearted. The updates will be longer I swear, and english is infact my first language, not that you could tell. Wow this author's note is longer than the chapter itself, how upsetting. Please be nice, not that I'll get any reads and all... or will I? It's totally up to you! Geez I sound like a six year old, I should stop rambling.


Dear SheilaWhere stories live. Discover now