Chapter 1: The Russian

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Being a nurse is something that I've always loved but within that territory comes a lot of work, heartache and joy. Today was one of those day of heartache, he was 2, drunk mom driving him home form daycare at 100 MPH, her car collided with a tree sending the car seat out of the car. Sad part is that the mom survived but the sweet innocent child left the world too early. The little boy held on long enough to for his dad to say goodbye. Sometimes it's not easy doing what you love. Being a nurse is not always easy.

"Well, being a doctor isn't easy either," someone said.

Did I say that out loud!!  Whirled around quickly in my chair facing... My god he was tall and handsome, no, hot yes that's the word hot! I stared at him studying his features. He was very fit and looked to be about 6 feet tall. He has brown chin-length hair, chocolate-brown eyes, and a clear deeply-tanned complexion. I didn't even realize that I was staring until he said something.

"Yes, yes you did," he said wearing a big smirk on his face. Totally oblivious to the fact that I was checking him out.

"It kind of is, you don't spend all day with patients and you spend about 2 minutes with each patient, you are not vomited all over, or yelled at by patients or their family members as a matter of fact if your not a surgeon you don't do shit but sit on your ass," I stated, staring at an amused hot stranger. "Hi I'm Rose Hathaway." I muttered later looking away.

"Dimitri Belikov. Pleasure to meet you Ms. Hathaway," he said holding out his hand for me to shake. Oh my did I mention that he had an accent it was so beautiful just like the rest of him. Good lord I need to get out of here! "But I do understand where you are coming from Ms. Hathaway, some doctors don't understand the importance of their patients. And I am one of those doctors who love to get to know their patients," he smiled. And I think that smile has caused me to lose sense of communication. 

"Nice to meet you too. Um...and it's just Rose."

"Well, just Rose I haven't seen such a beautiful lady around here are you new?" he asked

" I haven't seen you around either. I started working as a nurse about a year ago. You have an accent, where are you from?" I asked bluntly

"Well, I'm from Russia I moved here about two years ago with my family-"

"Dimka," he was cut off by someone or should I say something. Natasha Ozera. I DESPISE that woman! I mentally groaned when she came to stand next to us. She really knew how to ruin a moment. "What are you doing talking to her?"

"What do want, Tasha?" Dimitri was annoyed, I could tell. I couldn't blame him, she really was annoying.

"I'm sorry is there something you would like to say?" I asked. She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off "We really don't need this-" I said gesturing towards her "-right know so please do us a favor and leave. I do remember what my father said when he asked you to stop bothering me," I said smirking, she huffed and turned on her heel and walked away. "Hey don't go huffing and puffing the hospital down, we've got sick people here," I called at her while she exited the lounge room and Dimitri burst out laughing. She screeched and ran out. I couldn't help but burst out laughing as well.

"You are amazing. Sometimes, no scratch that she is annoying all the time. God sometimes I just can't get her off my back, literally!" I had to laugh at that.

"Awww! You poor thing." I crooned at him.

"Seriously!" he said and I just realize that I had to get home before Lissa Freaked out!

"Well I have to go. It was nice meeting you and hope to see you again," I said smiling at the thought of seeing him again. Stop it Rose you remember what happen to the last guy that you dated it didn't end well and a relationship is not something that I need to be nor have the time.

"I'm looking forward to it, just Rose," and that smile that he gave should come with a warning saying 'these lips are known to make women panties drop, literally.' I blushed and gather my thing and made my way out of the lounge room.

"Bye see you tomorrow," I said walking out the door. I swear I faintly heard him say 'Yes you will.'

I wonder how he knew Natasha. My mind was so far I didn't even know that someone was standing right in front of me until I ran face first into them. "Hey little nurse." God Adrian he does not know how to take no for an answer.

"What do you want Adrian?" I ask

"I just came by to ask-" here we go again"-if you wanted to go out to dinner with me. Just as friends though." Yeah right just as friends my ass.

"How did you know that I am done with work," I ask

"Lissa, I called her and asked." He stated. I was going to kill Lissa. How dare she and she knew how much I dislike him and how uncomfortable I am around him and any other guys. You were not uncomfortable with Dimitri a voice said in my head and I quickly shut it out to answer Adrian.

"Look Adrian as much as I am tempted to say yes I can't and need to get going before Lissa freaks out." I said and made my way to my care with out waiting for him to answer. I swear that he's stalking me and I don't like it.

Don't  be mad!! I'm sorry!! I know it's been years, but I am editing the chapters that I have published and working on an update for you guys!! Please! Stick around this story is almost done. I am going to edit the published chapters first and then give an update. Hopefully a new chapter this weekend!! 

Sammy ;)

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