Behind the Dark

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                                                      CHAPTER 1: “Family Life”

Ariella’s POV:

I hate school. But my alarm clock obviously doesn’t know how to take a fricken hint! I have thrown that damn alarm clock across my room so many times and it still hasn’t broke yet! Stupid alarm clock. Well I guess I shouldn’t be blaming it though right? It’s my own fault that school sucks for me. Well it is according to everyone else at school. It wasn’t always that way though.

My birth parents had me as teenagers. They were only about 15 and 16 at the time, they weren’t exactly ready to take care of a baby. Anyway, when I was two they decided that they needed a break and get out of the house for a while, to celebrate their graduation. They were partying like any other teenager would; drinking and doing things teenagers do at big parties. So they were not exactly sober when they were on their way home to get me. They were on their way home when they got into a car accident that involved a semi-truck and they didn’t make it out. My grandparents couldn’t afford to raise me themselves so a few months later they decided to put me in an orphanage. And in that moment I was on my own. I lived there until I was about ten years old, and that is when the Holloway’s adopted me. They are one of the two wealthy families in this town, but I don’t get much of anything. My “family” owns half of Mayfield County, and the other half is owned by the Mayfield’s themselves. But how the Mayfield’s decided to share half of their profit is beyond me.

Anyway, I have three other siblings. The youngest sibling is Lilly and she is five. Then there is me; Ariella Marie Holloway, and I’m fifteen. And lastly are the twins, Chrissy and Drew and they are sixteen. They all were born into this family, except for me of course. Though Lily doesn’t act terrible the way the rest of their family does. Chrissy and Drew are the most spoiled in this family. And since this family is so rich, their spoiled attitudes are worse that a normal teenager. Lily is to young to inherit anything yet, and since she hangs out with me the most, they don’t spoil her what-so-ever. I hardly get anything from this family, and Drew and Chrissy like to shove that in my face. Ever since I came into this family I have been treated like crap at school and at home. But I have learned not to complain because when I was seven I tried to tell my loving “parents” about all of the bullying here at home and at school and they told me not to complain or they would “sell” me to a different family. Which can only mean bad things for me. So I never complained to them again…..about anything.

            I started to doze off back to sleep once I finally got my alarm clock to shut up. That was until I heard slamming on my door. “Get your ass up you got to make me breakfast!” I heard Drew yell from the other side of the door. I shouldn’t be surprised, I mean, this happens every morning. I groan as I slowly got myself out of bed, and I went to the washroom to take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I got dressed in some casual clothing like I always do, and grabbed my book bag and grabbed my first generation I phone; which I paid for myself by the way, and I made my way downstairs. There were maids and butlers all around this house, but they all got specific orders from “mother and father” to not do anything for me in this house. Especially if Chrissy and Drew tell me to do something; like make them breakfast every morning.

            Once I got into the kitchen I saw Drew already in their waiting on his phone, which no doubt was his girl of the month. He is a major player. But to him he is “classy” because he isn’t like any normal player that have a new girl every week, instead he has one every month. Those girls know he is just going to them, but they still choose to trust him. Their fault.

            Once I finished making breakfast for Drew, Chrissy, and little Lilly, I made my way back upstairs to brush my hair and put my perfume on. I usually leave the house early to get to school because Chrissy and Drew don’t ever want to be seen with or around me at school. Surprisingly the rest of the school doesn’t know that I’m their adopted sister, and even if someone told them I was, they most likely wouldn’t believe it. I’m to “un-cool” to ever be close to their “status”. Whatever that is. But I’m okay with that because I don’t want the displeasure of being known as their sister anyway. I only accept Lilly as my true sister. I have taken care of her since she was born into this family, so we have that bond that Chrissy and Drew will never comprehend. So I also take her Lilly with me because, like me, she doesn’t like the fact that she is related to Drew and Chrissy. So she mostly hangs out with me.

            Since I cannot drive yet I walk to Lilly to her school and then I walk by myself to mine. They aren’t very far so I don’t mind. Plus I like being alone. Something about the peace and quiet distracts me from the real world for a while. Being alone means to not have to rely on someone just so they can disappoint you. There is no stress. Just peace. And that I need is something that people take advantage of all too much.  I can put my earphones in and listen to music as loud as I want to. Freedom comes up very little in my life, so I take all the chances I can get on my own, to just be me.

            As I was walking through the hallways on my way to class, listening to my music as high as it can go, I was shoved roughly into the lockers beside me. Not knowing who it was, I turned around to find the one and only Drew. He gave me his sly little smirk that I have grown so used too. Drew was only one of my many school bullies, but he had an advantage that none of the there’s had on me, and that was that he can take the torcher home with me. It tends to be worse at home.  I composed myself, straightened out my clothes, and turned around and started to walk away. Until I got shoved back into the lockers again. I figured it was by Drew again, but it was by a different person… Jake. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2013 ⏰

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