Like A Fire

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[A/N : If interested then listen to the song while reading it !!! It's a suggestion not a must !!!]

I was standing infront of the address that Chanyeol told me over the phone. It was Chanyeol's New Year's Party. and as CHanyeol asked me to wear some proper dress, I did it. I was wearing a black hoodie with blue jeans and I had my glasses. The bracelets that I usually wear were there on my left hand along with a watch, gifted by Minseok on my birthday. Also, I changed my hair style since Sehun asked for it. I usually did a ponytail but today my hair was open. I clipped my bangs with two hair bands and that was it.

People might call me a tomboy but it was not at all my fault that I hated girly stuffs. I did not like applying make up and wearing those short dresses. It was not at all my style. Plus if I had two crazy friends like Chanyeol and Baekhyun, then being girly was not at all written on my fate.

As soon as I entered, I bumped into someone, looking up I found out that it was my childhood friend Silvi.

"Mimi !" She exclaimed and almost made me a deaf. I called her back with a poker face.

Silvi started, "What are you doing here ?" "I came to watch a movie", I replied. She gave a confused look and I said, "What else should I be coming here for ? Ofcourse, for the party !"

Silvi started laughing and then asked, "I was asking who invited you ? I do you know Chanyeol ? Cousin ? Friend ? or what ?" "Well I am one of his close friend after Baekhyun."

That is when Baekhyun came. "Hey there Mims ! Why you so la---who is this beautiful lady right here ?" I rolled my eyes at his words. "Baek.....she is my childhood friend." I informed him. Baekhyun glared at me, "I did not ask you."

I was used to all his behaviours but what got on my nerves was when Silvi started flirting with him too. Even when I asked Baekhyun about my special chocolate, he ignored me and started talking with Silvi.

That was it. Being ignored by people, and specially Baekhyun, was just the thing that I hated the most. I started walking backwards, step by step and then I turned to the opposite direction. Ofcourse, I looked back one last time only to find Baekhyun and Silvi laughing together. Since the party was at Chanyeol's apartment. I left the party and made my way to the rooftop.

I did not know why I was so hurt. I mean I have seen Baekhyun playing with girls's hearts before too. Girls used to come and leave him. It was like a time pass to Baekhyun. Some of the girls even left Baekhyun when they found out we were best friends. Moreover, Baekhyun never saw me like a girl. He used to treat me like a boy which made it hard for me to behave like a girl.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol were not at all my childhood friends. We became friends in high school. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were childhood friends but I was an addition from high school. Even more I met these two dorks because of the intra-school basketball competition which included girls and boys.

History could be made if the girls in my team did not die out of Kris and Luhan's handsomeness. I was the only one serious throughout the game but because of the lack of teamwork I lost. I did not know how but Chanyeol and Baekhyun came to me and then started praising about me and since then we were friends.

I remember how I was there for Baekhyun when some of his enemies tried to hurt him and then I also remember how he was there when I realized that my crush was a very bad person.

A drop of tear rolled down my cheek and I was confused as to why I was crying but then I remembered the ugly truth that I left in my past. No one knew about it except for Chanyeol that Baekhyun was my first crush but then I forced myself to forget him. If I confessed to him then I would lose him as a friend forever and I forced my self so much that I never considered him my crush. Ofcourse, he was my first crush. Sometimes I mistook his actions and thought he might liked me too but I was wrong.

I rubbed my cheek one last time checking for my tears then I looked up. The night sky seemed so lifeless but then the fireworks gave life to it. The fireworks gave a single that it was 12am and the new year started with my broken heart. Suddenly, the fireworks started forming words.

"Love you"

I read them then I saw in the opposite building's rooftop, a boy proposing to a girl. The girl accepted the ring and then they hugged each other.

I looked up one last time to find that there were more words.

"Love you
from yours Bacon"

I looked at it wide-eyed then I looked to my right side to find that precious smile of Baekhyun that I had always treasured. His smile was the most precious thing to me.

At first I thought it would be for someone else but then I realized that I was the only one to call him 'Bacon' to irritate him.

Baekhyun was standing there with his hands in his jeans' pocket and a beautiful smile on his face.

I was so shocked that I kept staring at him with my mouth open for around a minute. Then being the impatient him, he shouted, "Won't you hug this cute boy right here ?"

I smiled and then looked down but then I realized he was waiting and so I ran up to him and gave him the tightest hug possible.

Then again I started asking him questions.

"You ready to live with this tomboy ?"

"Without a second thought."

"You ready to go through my crazy side ?"

"Without a doubt."

"You ready to buy me food ?"

"Before you ask for it."

I smiled at all his answers and asked him one last question.

"Do you want to live with me throughout your life ?"

"Even when you don't want to."

I could not control my smile now. What could be better than to start the new year with this idiot's beautiful and precious smile and to make it more better he was hugging me.


[A/N : I hope you guys enjoyed reading this one shot !!! I had this idea while listening to the if you guys want you can check it out !!! This was a birthday gift for my friend Mimi !!!! I am early actually her birthday is in November but since it's ready why should I keep it away from her ? So yeah I hope you guys enjoyed reading it and also don't forget to check out Mistaken and also I am gonna upload another One Shot so don't forget to keep an eye for it. Enjoy Reading !!!]

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