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The night was cold, the winds howled among the trees, as the creatures of the night hurried to find shelter in the pouring deluge of rain. The water gushed in streams forming muddy trails along the forest paths, in the distance a lone wolf stood atop a high mountain peak howling at the blood red moon high above its head.

Suddenly the creature caught the scent of a human , it raised its head and sniffed the wet air eagerly. Walking along the forest path came a cloaked figure , the figure was hunched over to protect the little bundle in its arms from the weather. It was a woman , in her arms was a child , upon hearing the wolf's howl. The woman started to run , she glanced at the blood red moon, muttered silent curses and immediately picked up her pace.

The wolf stood atop the high peak and watched the woman with slow precision. Its ebony black fur, glistened in the wet air, a dim aurora of light shone around the animal's body , making it seem otherworldly . And infact it was, the wolf was a direct descendant of the first Alphas that ever walked the earth in ancient times. Sensing its pray was about to make a run for it , the animal looked at the human in amusement .

"What makes this human think it can get away from me" , it opened its mouth and give a toothy smirk. .

Zara clutched the tender bundle protectively to her bosom as she hurried along the forest paths. Shielding the child in her arms against the poring rain and cold

"I must get away from him she taught angrily . He will not have my child ".

Upon hearing the wolf's howl , Zara glanced at the creature and began to run faster. It was no use she had to protect her daughter at all cost . Even if it meant sacrificing her own life . She picked up her pace trying to fight against the vicious winds that tore at her robes . Suddenly a dark shape lept from atop the trees and landed gracefully in front of her. Zara screamed and grounded to a halt staring at the creature in fright.

"Zara Silverstar daughter of the house Blackwood, My master demands that you hand over the child immediately. She is one of ours."

Zara looked at the majestic wolf in disgust as the words appeared in her mind.

"I will do no such thing"! , she screeched you will not turn my daughter into a monster like her father '" She is mine , my only child ."

She looked tenderly at the sleeping child in her arms and began to sob desperately. There was no hope now, she could not run any further, the wolf was too powerful, She would have to create the portal right here and send her daughter through to the other side.

"Witch! Hand over the child immediately or you will die a most horrible death! The master will be very upset about this."

The animal circled the woman with the movements of a predator moving in for the kill. Its coal black eyes glinting evilly with an edge of menace.

"You know what happens when The Master gets upset " .He growled menacingly at her .

" To hell with your Master , he lied to me from the very beginning , refusing to tell me what he was. "

She stood defiantly and looked at the creature with contempt. "You are no match for a Black Thorn Witch " wolf ! I will fry you where you stand ! "Zara glanced down at the bundle in her arms , the baby as if sensing the danger opened her eyes and immediately began to wail .

Time was running out she could no longer prolong the inevitable , Chanting the sacred words known only to her people she began to call fort a portal that would transfer her child to safety. A circle of light appeared before her , hovering just above the ground.

The wolf as if sensing her plans , opened its jaws in a wild snarl and lept at the woman. Zara quickly threw the baby into the ray of light and prayed that some kind person would find her daughter and look after her. She could not go with her at this time , as her father would be able to track her scent regardless of where she was. She had to stay behind and make sure she led him off her trail.

As the portal closed , Zara dropped to her knees, the energy it had taken to call fort the portal had drained her completely , she had no energy left to fight .

"Sacred Mother Please protect my child , let the light of the blessed Moonstone , surround her and keep her from harm. " She chanted solemnly as her head bowed over from grief. A loud growl pierced the night air, raising the hackles on her skin , .

"What have you done Witch ? Where have you sent her !" The wolf looked at her in horror , "you sent the last direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus , to Gods knows where ! "

With an enraged growl the creature pounced, Zara raised her head and screamed the sound ringing through the forest as, a black blur of fur descended upon her.


Lucius stood in front of the brooding man seated on the high chair; he was beautiful in a rugged sort of way as werewolves tended to be. Broad shoulders rippled underneath the silk shirt he wore , with his chiseled good looks and shoulder length wavy blond hair. He resembled one of those Greek Gods , what was his name ...Ares ....Lucius thought absently.

The man in question was looking at him furiously , " You have failed me Lucius , I entrusted you with a simple task , get my daughter back ! " And you dare to stand in my presence with nothing to show ! "

Lucius drew himself to his full height without fear , he was second in command after their Master , the leader of the pack whenever he was away. The men respected him just as much as they feared their Alpha. Alexander Corvinus was one of the ancients , the first werewolves to ever walk the earth , along with his brother Dimitri Corvinus . Both blood brothers , born at the same time , under the same moon, their mother was bitten by a wolf while she was pregnant with them. After giving birth she succumbed and died , and they were born , both with the strength and power of a natural wolf , but it was more enhanced . Their father was a rich noble , so they both grew up in a wealthy household.

As the boys grew their father cautioned them to never reveal their true natures to ordinary folks . At a time when the church was sacred and young girls were were burned at the stake for being witches. Such abnormalities were frowned upon by society with vengeance. It was common to see a whole family being killed or slaughtered by the villagers if they decided that anything was amiss. Be it noble or peasant, everyone received the same treatment.

"Alpha , the witch created a portal and transported the child to another dimension , one devoid of supernaturals and magic ." I could not follow" If I had I would have been rendered powerless and trapped in this form "

Alexander , stood and watched his Beta and second in command , with furious anger .

"Dammit Lucius , we were this close "! Zara is up to her old tricks again , I will not allow her to ruin my plans ! " Gather all our men , scour every tree , every rock ,leave no stone unturned "

"FIND MY DAUGHTER "! I will go to the Dark Wizard Saruman, he will help me to create another portal to get to my daughter". "After all he owes me a debt ", Alexander smirked confidently .NOW GO!"

"Yes Apha" , giving Alexander a curt bow of his head Lucius strolled out of the room.

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