Shayleigh Moors is an average 18 year old girl. She volunteers at the homeless shelters and works at a daycare on the weekends. She has no friends and her only sibling live miles away in Philadelphia. Totally normal, right? No. She volunteers and works to escape what she calls "House of Hell". When she was 8, her mother ran away to Philly, taking Rahmeek, Shayleigh's older brother, with her. When Shay turned 10, her father married a woman named Zurianna. Zurianna was a sweet woman, but her daughters on the other hand are what runs Shay out of her own home. Tyler, Courtney, and Emma were 14 when their mother married Shay's dad, Clarence. Pissed that they had to leave their beloved rich father in Miami to live in a row house in Yonkers, New York, they made sure their new step-sister felt their wrath. But Clarence is too busy tending to his job and Zuri to notice. And what can Zuri do? She has no control over any of her reckless, bratty daughters.
Shay has been awaiting a call from Rahmeek (or should I say Meek Mill?) for about a month. He's been looking for a mansion here in New York, since the paps found his place in Philly. He decided is wasn't safe for his son, considering that even rap legends are getting their houses invaded. He was gonna wait till the end of Shay's school year to move, but after someone broke into his house last month when he was away, he decided they needed to move urgently. It was only the 2nd month of her senior year, but it didn't matter to Shay that she would be home-schooled. She didn't have friends, after all. Plus, she's always dreamed of exploring the world, meeting celebrities, trying new foods, studying other cultures. Meek wasn't gonna leave her home alone, so when he was on tour, Shay would be fulfilling her dreams and having her loving brother and nephew would make the experience even better.