Untitled Story Part

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'This is an important mission. Don't screw it up!' commanded Lieutenant Wellington, via the DVCS (direct view comm. systems). 'Here is your briefing!' he said and switched to AIU (artificial intelligence unit). The computer automated voice started, 'On 28th May 4994 stardate, an army spaceship carrying a biochemical weapon of pivotal importance crash-landed on Atlas MX4. The whole settlement has been deprived of any physical or radial communication since and our infrared radars fail to locate any of its human life. The Figora N28, has till date not been located. Primary objective is to find the ship and retrieve the biochemical weapon. Secondary objective is to establish contact with the starzens there as well.' The message ended, our mission started.

My name is Hamish Rhodes. I am the sergeant of our troop, the A1468, or commonly known as the Drillers. We have succeeded in each and every one of our mission, therefore gaining the nickname. We are the starzens of Atlas, one of Saturn's moons. We are headed towards Atlas MX4 or AMX4, a settlement which is located near Atlas. We have a new passenger on board our ship today. It's an android named Dredd. It's our first time alongside an AIHIU, an Artificial Intelligence Human Interface Unit, or as the least profane full form coined by the privates suggests Artfully Irritating Humongous Interference Unit. So obviously, we were not glad of its presence.
"Now listen up!" I commanded. "You all have heard the briefing so I guess everything is crystal clear" I paused for a second and continued "So, we have our reputation at stake here, we have to keep Lieutenant Wellington cool and most important of all, we have to perform our duty to the AAB ( Atlas Army Base). Now chose which one of these is important and suit up privates!" There was a flurry of movement amongst them. AMX4 came into view.

"Now hear me out" I shouted "We have to first get the power units on and start the cooler in about 76 hours or we'll be toast, so...." I paused again thinking, "Private Bridge and Shaw will help Dredd reach the Central Mainframe unharmed and Dredd will handle it on from there?" I glanced at Dredd. He nodded his head. "Well then," I continued "we still don't know what caused the communication failure so we better watch our backs. Once the power is up and running I want Private Milverton and Ferrier to set up a perimeter, Private Frost, you will help them secure it and Private Jet will stay with me. Any doubts?" No one answered. We started.


" "Something's wrong." shouted Frank. He was the one commanding the spacecraft. "Is everyone alright? Please respond. I am losing command of the ship. I think the hydraulics are failing. Someone please check it." "Frank, try to contact the nearest spacestation, its AMX4 isn't it?" asked his co-pilot Ryan. "Yes, hold on. AMX4, this is Figora N28. Do you read us? We have lost our fuel and our hydraulics are failing. Need permission to land and refuel, I repeat, need permission to land and refuel." There was a buzz and came a reply. "This is AMX4. We read you. Permission to land and refuel granted, I repeat, permission to land and refuel granted. Direct yourself to hangar A12. Any weapons onboard?" "Yes" replied Frank "It's a bioweapon, the......... wait a second" "Ryan, what was that noise?" "Sounded like bay doors opening." responded Ryan. "Good Gracious! So someone actually heard us. The Army needs hearing check-ups more often!" Frank exclaimed. "Hey Mark is that you?" shouted Ryan. No response. "That just proves my point. Will you check who it is?" asked Frank. "Yeah sure!" replied Ryan and set off."

"C'mon what's taking so goddamn long!" fumed Frank after ten minutes. He hadn't been able to establish contact with AMX4 since the last transmission. He set the ship on Autopilot and went out the sliding doors of the control room. But no one was about. "Ryan, if this is some joke of yours along with the others, I'm gonna kill you!" he shouted. He turned to go to the control room but could make out a faint figure of something blocking his way. "Holy shit!" he muttered and backed away slowly...... but he hit something............ in the middle of the bay...... he turned around and saw it towering over him, the magnificent yet the most dangerous of all weapons, the BW387, its monstrous face looming over him. And it was the last thing he ever saw."

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