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    The first thing your wondering is what is this story. It starts out in the larger world that gets hit by the smaller world creating Earth, but this is the cause of that. On the world was different species of wizards based on the 8 elements; Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, Tech, Light, and Darkness. The reason why is because of two Darkness elementals from the Scarecrow race there names where Makanta and Sacutha, or Worrier and Magician, they were best friends and the greatest fighters. Worrier was the decedent of the chosen one family line, Magician was a kid with no memory of his parents but had the pumpkin amulet that was with the Scarecrow Magician. All the Races have this ritual to keep the Ragnarok. The story goes like this millions of years before the events of the Prologue,(Author: Sorry for all the Back tracking but it is necessary for all of this and also if your not a Christian sorry)Ragnarok was a Scarecrow that was fead up with being attacked so he made a deal with Satin, which was a angle at that time, who gave him powers of an arc-angel and demon combined with his new found powers went on a rampage. The team had fought him but in the end they had to over power Magician turning him into The Scarecrow Magician. Scarecrow had to seal his friend in the amulet with 17 pocket dimensions and keys with chest and keys in mazes as well as wiped from the heroes memories. The price was there physical forms. With out the dark population the worlds that made earth collided forming earth. Our heroes were fine and the amulet was lost in time.

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