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A/N here's new chapter

Reyna walked into Potions class groaning silently to herself. This was the only class she had where she had none of her friends with her. Slytherins had Potions with the Hufflepuffs, who hated all Slytherins rather bitterly.

"Hello again, twit," Malfoy snarled at her as she walked to sit down at the the empty desk in the back of the room, nodding when Professor Slughorn greeted her with a happy nod and a wave. She was hoping this class would go by fast, so she could see her boyfriend- Alexos taught her next class and she really wanted to kiss him again. But when she looked up at the blackboard which all Hogwarts teachers still used, she saw something that made her heart sink.

"Amortentia project," it read. "Partners today!"

Reyna didn't care if they chose partners themselves or not. All the Slytherins hated her. They seemed to hate Malfoy, as well. This made no sense, because in Reyna's opinion, Malfoy was nasty enough to be the most popular person in the whole of Slytherin House. She could see him up near the front, the only other person in the room besides herself who sat alone.

The only other person in the room who sat alone... Reyna groaned loudly, feeling completely wretched.

Malfoy turned to look at her. He sneered, but it didn't quite reach his eyes, she noticed. "Problem, twit?"

She smirked and pulled out her wand, inspecting it calmly and cooly. "You'll have a problem free of charge from yours truly if you don't turn back around, ferret." She almost spat the word.

He turned back around, his normally pale face reddening.

"Alright, class!" Professor Slughorn announced. "Today begins the project of the year! It's extremely interesting, so I hope you'll join me in the excitement I feel!"

The class chorused their bored excitement. Apparently it satisfied the old man.

"So," he said, clapping his hands, "to business. The Amortentia potion takes three weeks to complete. You must do this in your spare time." As groans rose to the ceiling, he continued. "This means that for three weeks this will be your only homework. The instructions may be found on page 346. In class, you will work with your partners on the second half of the project, fifteen minor potions that can each be brewed within one class and must be turned in by the end of each day."

Pansy Parkinson's hand shot into the air.

"Yes, Ms. Peterson?"

"Parkinson," Pansy sneered. "I was just wondering if we can choose partners, sir." She shot a foully sweet look at Malfoy, who groaned loudly.

Professor Slughorn frowned. "No, Ms. Peterson. Your partner will be the person you are sitting next to today. I assume Ms. Gerhart will not be an unsuitable partner?"

Pansy scowled.

"Now," Slughorn said, ignoring the irate girl and looking around, "who doesn't have a parter?"

With a sinking heart, Reyna raised her hand and saw Malfoy do the same.

"Excellent!" Slughorn beamed. "The two brightest students in Slytherin House! I shall expect stellar work from my two stellar students," he added with a roguish wink.

Reyna screamed with aggravation inside her head. Couldn't Slughorn see that she and Malfoy detested each other? And to have to make a LOVE POTION with Draco Malfoy was more than she could stand. But she was even less prepared for what came next.

"In fact," Slughorn beamed, "I see no reason why you two should not sit together for the rest of the year, since you will be doing so many projects together!"

"I don't think such a close proximity to you is going to be good for my health, twit," Malfoy murmured as he slid in next to her on the bench in the back of the room, which had really only been intended for one person. They were squished up against each other, but neither wanted to be up front where everyone could see them.

Reyna glared at Malfoy. He glared back at her.

"This is going to be horrid," she snapped at him.

"Ditto," he sneered. "Just wait until my father heard about this."

Potter Watch [a HOO/HP fanfic](finished) [Demigods at Hogwarts]Where stories live. Discover now