The Mafia who couldn't stop farting

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I couldn't contemplate the mess that was made by Will. It was foul, "thanks a lot Willy, for creating poo!" said the turtle.

Warriors of pancakes cook like Grandmas'. Queens' fart a lot, when indisposed. Bazil the penguin hates energetic snails as well as drunken Polar Bears. 

Once upon a time there lived moldy cheese named String. String hated Bread because it had mafia the plane.

Calculators add hypothermia to sniffles. Sometimes pregnant vampires drink Lemon-aid made by bricklayers as well as Smith the Koala. 

Mountainous Kiwi Fruits are mountainous. Japan and France are very similar, because Japan is French.

"we are the fresh fruit people....." sang Borris, when Polly died.

"Netball isn't fat it is skinny." said Wallaby.

Everyone hates St Bazil, because she farted regulary.

Jam jars were rotten, because tomatoes consumed them.

"I love you!" sang Justin Beiber. 

"That's nice!" replied Fat Janis.

"Woof Woof!" yelled the fish, his name was fluffy.

Then the lanterns declared war against the lightbulbs because they faked a sicky!



Thank you for reading our pointless story! Sorry you'll never get that minute and a half back.

Hanilyphie3 xoxo :) lol

(winky face)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2011 ⏰

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