land of the raised

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"I like to eat butter with a fork because it make funny patterns." I screamed at my uncle.

"Let's do a nudey run!" exclaimed Hagrid.

"Weeeeeeeeeee." screamed a hairy giant running by.

The the queen of the land died so we raised the roof to the sky but then it fell on top of us and we all died.

"Fail Whale haha!" yelled willy perrty

"I like NEMO!!!!!" screamed Hagrid.

The king of poo always smells like Lavender, however the queen smells like Rosemary.

People like to eat fish, but i don't.

Most boys hate Justing Bieber, but thats just because they eat poo.

I hope everyone who raised the roof is ok and only gets severe brain damage.

Ducks are fluffy.

"Can you please sleep on me, i find it comforting" "NO" Elmo screamed at the ear. Elmo was upset by the behaviour the ear had shown.

please do not eat melons for they are kind and do not unlock doors especially the dry melon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2011 ⏰

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