Roses are red, violets are blue. Your eyes are as beautiful as you. Sometimes i wish that i could have you, although i remember that you always refuse to. My heart breaks whenever i see you and him, i know i will never win. But you can never judge of what one feels, even though you know the pain will never heal. Now that you left your home, you dont know you left me alone. Sometimes i wonder if this pain will heal, but the cut is so deep it would always reveal. You came back but now without a mate, i dreamed of the time i can ask you on a date. Now you ask me to go into your arms, i have to refuse the pain is still in my heart. I saw the pain in your eyes when i said 'No', but sorry to tell you this is the man you created-with sorrow. I dont want to ask but i have to find out, why suddenly start checking me out? I now understand that you got broken too, but i am shattered, do you have some glue? This poem came deep inside of my heart, i dont know if your reading this it might be a bit sharp. Roses are red, violets are blue, i cant believe i fell for you.
This poem is for my friend J.R. (I just found out... Sorry bro) if your reading this, there's someone out there for you >~<