CHAPTER FOUR: This or That?

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Dipper's POV:
As I woke up this morning, I did my daily routine and went to grunkle ford's lab on my way there I heard him talking to McGuckett and they were talking about journal number 4 when I heard it I went straight to the woods and start searching for it but when I got there, pacifica was looking for something too I approached her and ask what she was looking for "Hey Pacifica, whatcha lookin for?" Pacifica turned to me and looked so worried "I--- uhhhhh... I lost my diary here and I can't find. Will you help me?" She asked "Yeah sure anything for a friend" I said then we came searching for it but by the moment I knew it, I felt our hands touched and I looked at her and try to say that I like her "Pacifica I--" she cutted me off "Yeah you're very busy and I know that so its okay if you don't help me find it I'll do it" she said with a nervous tone in her voice "No that's not it" I said "Sure it is now go and... Do whatever it is you're doing, kay?" She said "But Pacifica I---" She cutted me off again "Okay bye!" Then she walked away fast" after that I decided to go back to the shack. While I was walking I stepped on a rock and leaned on a tree then the bush opened and I saw... "Journal number 4?" I quickly took it and I ran straight to my room and lock it When I opened it and read it word by word I was really scared because it says that bill will take over the world and he will start by killing the people I love. Pacifica... I quickly ran to pacifica with my journal no. 4 and told her what was going to happen

Pacifica's POV:
While I was looking for the journal I saw dipper running towards me "Hey dipper.." I said in a sweet tone "Pacifica... I...." He said while gasping "Did you run dipper?" I asked while patting his back "Pacifica I need to tell you something" he said calmly "okay, what is it?" I said in cofussion "I want to... Protect you" He said gasping "What? For What" I asked "not for what... From whom" He said and I Walked closer to him "Who?" I asked "Bill... Bill Cipher" I turned around and  looked down "Why bother? I've been so rude to you ever since we were kids. Why do you want to do this?" I asked "Because I---- You're my friend pacifica" Dipper said while his hand is on my shoulder "Friend?" I asked "Yes, F-Friend" I turned to him and hug him "Thank you Friend" He hugged me as well. I noticed the journal in his hand "uhhh... Dipper, What's that?" I looked up to him and he smiled "This is the journal number 4, I've been looking for it since I got here" There it is, the journal. In the hands of the man I love... What am I gonna do? Should I betray him? Oh God... I don't want to hurt him. "Journal? 4? Wow! Great! Well I'm happy that you found it. I'm so proud of you" I said with a fake smile "Can I see it?" I asked "Maybe someday, but not today" he said "Okay. Anyways My 18th birthday is tomorrow" I said with a smile "well, happy birthday princess, I mean Pacifica. So what theme is it?" He asked "Well I want a neon butterfly themed party but my parents want a rose themed party so I'll go with that. But I'm still looking forward to that neon butterfly theme" I said "You know what? Why do your parents make your story" he asked "Well dipper. I'm gonna be honest here but my parents treat me like a dog, whenever the bell rings I behave. My life is a nightmare when I'm with them" I exclaimed "you deserve better" He said with a smirk "No, No I don't I deserve this. I deserve to be treated like a dog" I said sadly. He hugged me and look at me he said "You do deserve better than this... I swear, you'll see" then he took of the hug and walked away "Bye Diphead" I said teasing him "Bye blondie" He teased and we giggled
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