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Everyone gathered in the mystery shack, to celebrate the mystery twins thirteenth birth day. Yup, they are officially teens now.

Everyone enjoyed the party, except two people. The birthday celebrants themselves, Dipper and Mabel pines.

2 days ago, they had a fight when Mabel found out that Dipper was going to stay behind, and join his great uncle Ford on a journey, that would keep them apart for years.

But now, they both made up and have to get used too being apart from each other.

Mabel, though she seems happy in the party, but she really is heart broken knowing this is the last time she will see her friends, and brother.

Mabel Pov.

I was talking with my two besties, Candy and Grenda for one last time.

"OMG!Mabel this is the best party  your uncle has ever hosted for you and your brother!" Grenda says, "Agreed." Candy says.

"Well duh! Its our birthday! Why wouldn't he? Hey you girls are up for the..."

"Karaoke team up rap battle!" we all cheered in unison and laughed, "Uh! I am so heated up for later." Grenda says determined, "Yeah me too." I said giving out a smile.

"Yeah well me and Candy are gonna check on those cute boys over by the food table." Grenda says pointing at the group of boys, "Wanna join and get your flirt on?" she asked waving her eye brows.

"He he, I'll catch up, you guys go ahead." I said, "Suit your self. Come on Candy!" Grenda says, and they both run off.

I put out my fake smile and sighed. Today's the last day, tomorrow I'm leaving, alone. I walked of the ballroom and went outside.

It was a cool summer night at Gravity falls. I was sitting down at the the side of the shacks wall.

"I can't believe summers over." I muttered to myself, "I know right." I hear a familiar voice.

My head shot up, and glanced on who it was. It was my brother, Dipper, "What are you doing here?" I asked, "Probably the same reason why your hear." he says looking down sadly.

I looked away, and glanced at the sky. There weren't much clouds, so I could see the stars in the sky, sparkling ever so bright. The moon glowed so beautiful in the sky, then I feel someone sit next to me. I turned to see Dipper.

"Beautiful night huh?" he says, "Yeah..." I said, and there was a few moments of awkward silence between the two of us. We felt the summer breeze pass by, fireflies dancing around flowers, and the music crickets made, it was peaceful.

"Do you really have to go Dip?" I asked looking at him, "I have too, it's the faith of the world and stuff." he tells me, "Then why can't I come? I can handle it!" I told him, "Ford chose me Mabel, and besides if anything happens to you in my watch, I couldn't forgive myself." he said looking down, I could see him crying a bit.

I hugged him, he was surprised, but gave in into it. "Nothings gonna happen to me bro-bro." I told him. He cried on my shoulder, and so did I.

We will see each other again, This is not the end.

We broke the hug, and wiped our tears off.

"Uh, am I interrupting something?" we here a familiar voice.

Me and Dipper turned, and saw Pacifica! She was wearing jeans and a hoodie.

"Pacifica! What are you doing here?" Dipper asked, "I heard you guys were leaving an-" "And what? Tease me for one last time?" I asked crossing my arms, "Mabel." Dipper hissed, "What?" I asked.

"No its okay, I-I understand her." Pacifica says looking down, what was wrong with her? She's suddenly quiet and not mean right now.

"I just came to give this." she says and pulls out the...PARTY CROWN!?, "You won this fair and square, I just cheated." she says, "Please take it, and I hope you would forgive me for being mean." she says apologetic.

This is really weird, even for me. Pacifica was looking down sadly, I felt bad for her, even if she was my enemy before, now she wants to change. I then felt Dipper's hand on my shoulder and gave me a nod.

I stood up, and walked up to Pacifica. I took the party crown, I looked at it and then at Pacifica.

"Apology accepted." I said and hugged her. She was surprised at first, but hugged back.

We went back to the party, and this time with Pacifica, and had the time of our lives.

/// Next morning.

It was 10 am in the morning. Me and Dipper were packed up, and ready to leave Gravity falls, and each other.

We said our goodbyes to our friends.

"Stay cool dudes." Wendy says, "You too." Dipper says.

"I'm gonna miss you dudes." Soos says crying, me and Dipper hugged our big fat friend, "Us too." I told him, and let go.

I turned to Candy and Grenda, "Bye Mabel." Grenda says sadly, "Please come back again." Candy says, "Of course I will! Now give your ol Mabel I hug!" I told then and we had I group hug for one last time.

The three of us were crying. Then we finally let go. I turned and saw Dipper talking to Pacifica and hugged. I walked to Pacifica, and she says.

"Bye Mabel, and thanks for giving me a second chance." she says, "No prob Bob." I told her and we hugged.

Now me and Dipper were now facing our grunkle Stanly.

"I'm gonna miss you kids." he says tearing up, "Aw, grunkle Stan are you crying?" I asked, "No! I just got dust in my eye." hr says rubbing his eye, "Come here you little rascals!" grunkle Stan stated and hugged me and Dipper.

Then Ford came to view, "Take care of the kid." grunklr Stan told him, "Always." great uncle Ford replied.

Now, its me and Dipper's turn to say goodbye. " So...." I said awkwardly, "Yeah." he says.

There was an awkward silence for a moment, then Dipper pulled me into a hug, "I'm going to miss you." he whispers in my ear, "Me too." I whispered back and hugged him.

When we broke the hug, my bus arrived. I turned to face everyone, and said goodbye for one last time and ran to my bus.

I sat next to a window, and took a peek outside were everyone was. I waved goodbye again, and they all waved back.

I was deprest, I didn't know how much I was going to lose this summer. But we will see each other again, I hope.

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