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Katie's pov

I feel sick right now. It's probably because I had a fight with my friend Thursday. It all started Thursday morning, I woke up and got dressed. It was 6:50 so I had to go to the school bus. I couldn't find my house key so I just left the house unlocked. But what I didn't know was that the key was in the pocket of my backpack. I ran to the bus stop
And went to the sidewalk to read a good book called smile. I only read when I'm mad. I was going to kill my sister. The bus rolled up so I got on the bus with my friend Madison Marissa Julia and my sister Rylee. I was sitting in front of Rylee Julia and Madison. I was slapping Rylee with the book lightly. Madison was holding me back and so I slapped her with the book instead. She said if I didn't stop she would hit me and so I didn't stop because she was holding me tightly. And so she punched me in the middle of the chest. Directly in the middle. And because I'm very weak I started crying. She didn't care. The next day she clawed my trust and so she called me the b word on the bus and that leads us to today.

Dear diary,
Never be friends with someone who will hurt you or else after a couple of years this will happen to you and you will be doing the same thing I am writing in a diary that was made for a little kid. See you next time.

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