1: Lomadia, I'm Immortal

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"Lyndon. Lyndon I have to tell you something very important and you can't tell anyone, not even that cute tabby across the way, okay?" The black cat stared at him with a look of pure boredom. He continued anyway, "Lyndon, I think I'm immortal."

"What was that?" The blonde walked in, the groceries swinging from both her long arms. "Nilesy, are you talking to the cat again?"

"No..." the long haired man replied sheepishly, not meeting his friend's eyes. "Nilesy don't lie to me. Where you talking to the cat again?"

"Yes..." Lomadia sighed and put down the groceries on the counter and turned to face him. "Nilesy this isn't healthy, I think you need a therapist." "I do not need a therapist I'm perfectly normal! Sort of..." The woman shook her head and began putting away the food.

"So, what was so important that you had to tell Lyndon?" she asked as Nilesy began to help her with the chores. "Oh just a realization I had. Would require a very long chat to explain." "Well I have about five more bags to bring in so get talking." Nilesy grabbed a loaf of bread and began explaining.

"Lomadia, I think I'm immortal." Very slowly, the blonde put down the pickles and turned to face her roommate.

"What?" "I think I'm immortal." The blonde stood there speechless for a few seconds before replying.

"Explain." He continued to put away the food while she stood there staring at him. "Well, you know how when we reach eighteen we stop aging until we find our soulmate right?" "Ya..." "Well I'm an asexual homoromantic meaning, I don't feel sexual attraction. Meaning, I don't have a soulmate. Meaning, I can't grow old. Meaning, I'm immortal." She stared at the jar of peanut butter in her hands as she processed this discovery.

"'Kay..." "Cool right?" "...Sure..." they continued to put stuff away in silence.

"Hey Lom?" "What is it now?" "I may have tried to rewire the toaster while you were gone." Lomadia face-palmed. "And why did you do that exactly?"

"Umm..." "You didn't have a reason did you?" "No..." she closed the cupboard and turned to him looking stern.

"You know, just because you're immortal does not mean I can't beat your ass into oblivion." "Sorry..." They heard a bing and Lomadia picked up her phone and began typing.

"Whacha doooin?" He whined trying to look over her shoulder. She batted him away. "Just Panda, he wants to meet up to discuss some new volunteers at the shelter."

"Panda?" "Ya Panda, his real name's John but he wears a panda hat all the time so everyone calls him Panda." "Ok then." "Ya, he's a cool bloke, good with the dogs." She continued typing. They finished with the groceries and she grabbed her keys of the counter.

"Well, I'm meeting Panda at the coffee shop down the road. Don't blow up anything while I'm gone."

"Can I come?" "What?" she turned to look back at him. "Well it's not like I have anything better to do, I'll probably just end up talking to Lyndon again anyway." "Fine, fine you can come, hurry up ya git." The man grinned and quickly grabbed his wallet from the table before pulling on some proper shoes.

"So how's Xephos doing with his quest for a soulmate?" She snorted as he climbed into the car after her. "He's as hopeless as ever, seriously he's a bit obsessed." Nilesy laughed at this as they continued their usual banter, laughing at the gossip of their friends.

Arriving at the coffee shop, they stepped inside and were immediately greeted with the smell of caffeine. Inhaling the wonderful scent, Nilesy and Lomadia made their way to a corner booth where a man with glasses and a panda hat sat, sipping on a steaming cup casually. He looked up when he saw the woman and smiled.

"Ah Lom, good to see you." She nodded in greeting. "This is Nilesy my roommate. He would probably blow up the apartment if I didn't bring him along so here ya go." The man smiled and extended a hand.

"John Cochrane, call me Panda. Pleasure to meet you." "Nilesy MacKay. Same to you." He grinned and turned to the blonde. "Hey Lom, go get us a coffee will ya? You know my order." She rolled her eyes. "You're a sugar junkie, but fine. Socialize why don't you?" She walked off to the counter leaving the two men in the booth.

"So um... Do you like animals?" Panda started off awkwardly. Nilesy grinned. "Ya! To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if my cat was my soulmate." Panda snorted before replying "You don't have one then?" Nilesy shook his head "Nope, I'm asexual homoromantic so I'm pretty sure I'm immortal." The brunet's eyes widened.

"Wait.. You're asexual to?!" He grinned at the confused cat-lover. "Oh this is brilliant I thought I was alone!" Something clicked in Nilesy's mind and his blue eyes widened in realization, "Oh my god!"

"What are you two 'godding' about?" Lomadia huffed as she reappeared with their coffees. They turned to her overly excited.

"Lom we're both immortal! Isn't this fantastic!" They both grinned widely at the confused woman.

"Why are all my friends so weird?" she sighed and plopped down in the seat next to them, sipping her coffee. Nilesy shrugged and began chatting avidly with Panda as she rolled her eyes.

That would be the start of a chain of events that would effect almost everyone in their small group. They just didn't know it yet.

Author's Note:

Ava- Oh god that took a while, Hope you guys are excited for the first chapter! Collabs are hard.

Kalina- Yeah, we started this several days ago and the first chapter is finally here. But, I hope you guys enjoy, we would love to hear any feedback!

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