Opposite Day

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Brambleclaw- "Hey Squirrelflight, today is opposite day! Starting...now!!"

Squirrelflight- "Hi daddy! I hate you!" (runs away)

Firestar- "Excuse me?!"

Brambleclaw- "Today's not opposite day!"

Firestar- "So, it is opposite day?"

Brambleclaw- "No, it isn't!"

Firestar- O.o "Never mind... Bye..."

Brambleclaw- "Bye!" (walks up by Firestar and smiles while waving his paw)

Firestar- "I said bye..."

Brambleclaw- "I don't know, bye!" (keeps on following Firestar)

Firestar- (face paws then kicks Brambleclaw out of Thunderclan)

Ways to Get Kicked out of Thunderclan(a warrior cat spoof)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant