Chapter One - Daddy

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Chapter One - Daddy


"Daddy, please don't leave me!" I cried looking at my dad sick in a hospital bed. You see he's been suffering from Colon Cancer for a while now.

"I don't think I can fight it anymore.." He said sounding almost as sad as I did.

"But, I don't want you to leave me.. Mum already left when I was only 4, now you? I won't even have anywhere to go considering I'm 17 technically still a child."

"I called your Aunt Maria and said she'd be happy to take you." He told. I was so happy it was Maria, you see when my mum left she took care of me when my dad was at work so she was basically my mum now.

"I'm going to miss you so damn much.." I cried.

"I know, baby, I know." He said. "Come lay down with me."

I nodded my head and walked over to the bed where my dad had been in for the past couple months. I layed down with him and within fifteen minutes I felt his breathing start to get slower meaning he was leaving me. There would be no more of what was Jonathon Francis.

I left the room once I knew he was gone. I walked to where I knew my dads nurse, Bella would be. Once I spotted her I ran up to her.

"Bella.." I started.

"What's up, pumpkin?" She asked me.

"I think dads gone.." I said sadly. She gave me a sad expression.

"Oh, well let's go look." She suggested. I mumbled an agreement and followed closely behind her back to where my dad was lying completely motionless.

She went straight to his body and checked for any sign he was alive. She checked his pulse where ever she knew if he was alive she should find one. When came up empty, she had a very sad expression on her face. "I'm sorry Kaitlyn, but he is gone."

I sighed knowing I was going to be a mess for a long time. "It's okay, I guess it was his time." I was trying my best to be strong, I hated getting emotional in front of anyone besides my family.

After I had called my aunt Maria I decided I should probably drive home now, otherwise I wasn't going to want to leave until after visiting hours and I know I couldn't do that It's just hurt me more if I stayed any longer with him. I was going to miss my dad so damn much.

Once I made it home I ran inside up to my room. I started to pack my stuff. I went rather slowly wanting to not leave my house but I knew I'd have to leave soon as for aunt Maria was waiting for me to show up. Once I had finished I carried my bags over to my truck and put them in. Once I had made sure I had everything I took one last glance at the house I drove off heading towards my aunts house.

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