More or Less a Blast from the Past

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Esther's P.o.V

The events that happened the summer before Kaitlin turned 18 and her and I were to leave together for uncharted lands our families has not yet explored, were unlike any events either of us ever imagined would happen. It's true both of us have gone through some mighty crazy things, Kaitlin having ESP and all, and me having whatever it is I have. The summer started out like a normal summer, and not our normal, but normal for normal families, which for us was odd. Nothing strange happened, and Kaitlin didn't have many visions. In fact she didn't have any at all until after Rosea and Joseph's birthday. They were 17. It's was weird to see how much they had grown up, how much we all had grown up in what seems like no time at all. But, before I get to the exciting part, or continue rambling, let me start from the beginning.


"To the caves after class?" Kaitlin texts me ten minutes before class is over. "Duh." I say. We had discovered a group of caves near our houses freshmen year, and since then it's been our place. No one else goes there and the tide never rises enough to reach it. Many secrets and items have been shared within their walls. I knew that Kaitlin and I had a lot to talk about today and I had a surprise waiting for her in there. This is our final year of high school. We graduate Saturday. The bell rings and relief washes over me. School is over. I grab Kaitlin and we drop our stuff off at our houses and leave for the caves. "Kaitlin. Before we go, get into something nice." I text her from my house. "Why?" she asks. "Just do it." I say. What she doesn't know is that I invited her crush and mine to dinner with us tonight.

"We look hot." I say. "Yeah, we do. But why? I still don't understand." "Just trust me." I say. I pull out my mom's old camera. She gave me a few pointers and I've been practicing. I start taking pictures of Kaitlin and hand her the camera so she can take pictures of me. We do this a couple times. "Let's go in the caves really quick." I say. "Close your eyes." I tell Kaitlin when we get in there. "Whyy?" she whines. "Because I have a surprise." "Okay." I take her hair in my hand and move it over her shoulder. I place the necklace around her neck. I hear her gasp as she opens her eyes and sees it. "Esther! What is this for?" she asks. "We've been friends all our lives. School is over and life will go on. I just want to ensure that if we ever separate, that you remember we are and always will be best friends." "You make it sound like something bad is going to happen." I shake my head, if she doesn't know I won't bring it up right now. We have better things to do tonight. "Nope, but there is another surprise. We are going to dinner." I smile and before she asks questions I drag her to the car.


We arrive at the most famous and most fancy restaurant in town. The boys aren't here yet. We walk in and take our seat. After a few minutes the waiter brings a rose to Kaitlin. "From the young gentleman waiting by the door." he says and walks away. After he walks away Kaitlin sees him, Jesse Marx, the guy she has had a major crush on since freshman year. Kaitlin has turned bright red from blushing. I giggle and motion him over, then I myself begin to blush as Ryan Chaplain, my crush, walks in behind him. "Hello ladies." the say almost in unison. "May we sit?" Jesse asks. We nod. Dinner continues. Afterward we all take a walk on the beach. The events of dinner are typical and Kaitlin and I both get boyfriends from these two guys. But the rest of the events of that night are unlike any other.

Kaitlin's P.o.V

I couldn't have asked for a better night. I have the best friend in the world, and now the best boyfriend. Of course though, as normal for me, when everything starts going perfect, something just has to go wrong. We are walking along the beach. The sun is setting and a boat is seen far off in the distance. We stop for a second to watch the sun set completely and that's when it happens. Ryan randomly kisses Esther, and Jesse randomly kisses me. But that wasn't the bad part. Everything started spinning and going black. I lost all sense of sight and sound. I was having another vision. But I can't describe it, even now, because I ended up passing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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