Chapter 2: “Nobody Cares…”
I slowly open my eyes, and am pleasantly surprised that I find myself to be in no pain whatsoever. I do, however, feel an uncomfortable spot in my right arm. I slowly run my left hand down my right arm and find that spot. I lift my head a little, and look down at my arm. I find a small black and silver chip inside my arm. Just then, a nurse walked in.
“I know it feels uncomfortable, but you’ll get used to it.”
“What is this? Why is inside me? Did they have to put it into my forearm? I am most sensitive there!” I reply.
At this point, I feel like jumping out of this stupid bed and running away from the world. Just me, myself, and I…
“It’s a tracker, so we always know where you are in case of an emergency. They had to place it in your forearm because that is the easiest place to get it in and out of. When you leave, it will be removed.”
Something about her seems so calming. She seems like she actually cares about me. I wonder if she does… She looks young, maybe around twenty-four. There isn’t a single wrinkle on her face and she has the prettiest brown-red eyes I have ever seen. Her face is pale with freckles, like mine. Her hair is a dark brown with a slightly golden brown tint. Her presence makes me feel calmer, like I’m not in a treatment center.
I quickly snap back to reality. I am in a treatment center. This lady doesn’t actually care about me. This is her job! She is paid to act like she cares to make me feel better. To be honest, it’s a waste of time. My life will never return to normal, even if these actresses in this stupid treatment center succeed…Nobody cares, I think. You don’t deserve this. You are worthless, ugly, ignorant, and dumb and you don’t deserve to be alive. I close my eyes and imagine the world without me. It would be a much happier, better place if I never was here. I’m not going to commit suicide. That would make this worse and cause so much chaos. I just wish I were never born. For the sake of my mother, my father, and all of my so called “friends…”