One : Stay Away !

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" Your full of it, Sarah ! " Hanna screamed at me. I just chuckled at the sight of my bestfriend's face. She looked like a scared cat !

Let me Introduce myself. I am Sarah Jane Hamilton. Seventeen. The crazy girl that just screamed at me is Hanna Smith. Also seventeen. We're bestfriends.

" Hahaha ! It was a prank Hanna ! Just get over it ! " I told her while wiping the tears that came from my nonstop laughing.

" Yeah right ! " She laughed along with me.

We were at the Garden of Bridgeton Academy. It was our break time, cause our 5th period professor was out sick, so I thought, what better way of cherishing this moment, than pulling a prank on my Bestfriend Hanna.

" You should've seen your face, Hanna ! " I said while running my fingers through my hair. She just rolled her eyes. I giggled at her.

We were talking about stuff when someone " rudely " interrupted us.

" Move ! " I looked up to see a angry looking Anthony Evans, the total badboy in our campus. He was known as the hottie, the jock, and the playboy. Hanna packed her things and stood up. But I didn't. I just sat there locking gazes with him.

" No ! " I protested. Hanna looked at me with wide eyes.

" What ?! " He shouted.

" Ugh. Are you deaf or something ? I said no ! Do I have to spell it out for you ? Do I- " Before I could finish my speech, he pinned me against the tree nearby, while holding my two hands on both sides. His eyes were dark. If looks could kill, I would be dead as hell right now.

" Who do you think you are ? Do you even know who I am ?! " He said, his eyes growing more and more darker.

He leaned closer, so that our lips would be just a few inches apart.

" You insult me like that again, you will face the consequences. " He spat at my face. Oh god. I can smell his minty breath. Just before he could say something else, I slapped him hard in the face ! The impact must be really hard cause his face turned the other way, he backed up a few steps, away from me and when I saw my chance. I ran, along with Hanna. We ran really fast. I felt relief wash over me. But, then Anthony said 4 words that made my heart froze.

" I will get YOU !!! "


I couldn't get over what he said. I plopped over my bed. And fell asleep right away.

Hanna and I went home together 10 minutes ago. Before she dropped me over to my house, she asked me what I was gonna do about Anthony. Well, I did not have an answer for that.

Friday Morning :
*Beep.Beep.Beep* I switched of my alarm and stood up. I got my towel before going to the bathroom.

I went downstairs 20 minutes later to eat breakfast. Then I went to the front porch to wait for my driver. I arrived 10 minutes early at school, so I went to my locker. I got my history books out, and shut my locker. Before, I could walk away, someone grabbed my wrist, and pinned me against my locker. It was Anthony.

" What the hell do you want, Evans ?!?! " I told him. Well, more like, screamed at him.

He smirked. " You. "

He did not just say that.

A/N :

Hey Guy's :)

Thanks so much for reading this. I know it's not that good, but please, just give it a chance. It's my first book, so if I have some errors, feel free to tell me so ;)


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