A Month of Torture

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                Prologue: The Lord

Here we are, the United States of America, the year 2022 last year a dictator known as the Lord decided he wanted to rule the world in order to do so, he prayed. Not to God, nor the Devil, but he prayed to an Angel, an Angel unlike any other, the Angel of destruction but instead of the Angel answering his prayers he decided that he deserved a place of his own to rule and he chose the human realm, he and the Lord morphed into one person in order for them both to get what they want. The Lord used his followers a group of disciples known as The Minions all skilled in combat and ready to fight who ever stands in the way of their master, each group of Minions has a leader known as a boss, bosses are different there are not human, they are half breeds a combination of human and angels highly trained in fighting and weapon combat and has no compassion for anything its only desire is to finish the goal it is given by the Lord. But the scariest thing of all, is the fact that no one has seen the Lord, no one knows his true name, what he looks like, where he came from, and why he does what he does, and that is what gives him an advantage over everyone, no one knows anything about him besides his voice which comes over the television regularly every day.

Chapter 1: Giving it you’re all

 Logan looked as his phone he swiped the alarm button turning the obnoxiously loud and agitating noise off, he threw off his covers and managed to pull himself out of bed realizing he was late to waking up, he stood up from his bed and stretched his arms up into the air his medium length dark brown hair frizzed up from rubbing against his pillows throughout the night. Logan has hazel colored eyes leading to his rosy red cheeks, his skin a light tan colored, being 6’1 he is taller than most other people in his grade, besides his twin brother Austin; Austin looked just like Logan the only difference is that Austin’s hair is shorter, both of them being in the 11th grade, flipping over onto his hands, he slowly went down and back up again, his face almost touching the floor he managed to do 25 handstand push-ups as he flipped over into a bridge he walked his hands down to his ankles he had his chin and chest on the floor with his back bent and feet flat  on the ground in front of his shoulders. For the past year he has been training as a contortionist, he has discovered a way to incorporate his contortion with street fighting creating a fighting style of his own that he calls cirque, when Logan feels the need to show off his skills in contortion he uses his weapon of choice a metallic rope that has blades on each side he is amazingly quick and accurate when it comes to using his ropes, walking into the bathroom Logan grabbed a towel and washcloth and jumped into the shower feeling the warm water hit his face was just what he needed to help him to wake up.

“Logan come on, you’re going to be late for school.”

From downstairs Logan’s step mom Tonya yelled for him. Tonya being a little on the short side has long black hair going down to the bottom of her ribcage, her eyes a deep chocolate brown, she never wears much makeup only mascara, her skin on the exceptionally darker side.

“Hang on; I just have to find my car keys.”

Logan being dressed now wearing dark blue aeropostal jeans and a bright neon yellow aero shirt his shoes were a pair of high top black converses the shoestrings, thread holding them together, and the outsole all being a matching yellow color, he grabbed his black drawstring backpack and reaching onto his knight stand he grabbed his phone and in the top drawer were his car keys.

“Let’s get this day over with.”

Logan sighed as he made his way downstairs, the smell of sweet pea lotion filled the room as his younger sister Jourdain, was heading out the door in front of him. Jourdain has  lengthy dirty blonde hair naturally It is curly, but today Jourdain decided to straighten it, she was wearing a white off the shoulder shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans she had on a pair of bright blue high top Osiris shoes.  Even though Jourdain was the youngest she defiantly was the one most willing to fight, having fear of no one no matter how much bigger they were then  her, she would find a way to intimidate and scare them,  using her brute strength she can take down any of her opponents with her skills in Muay Thai kickboxing. When it comes to training in the dojo Jourdain goes to, each student is required to be skilled in the use of a certain weapon, Jourdain’s weapon on choice the Sai.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2013 ⏰

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