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"Miss Pierce, are you ready to go?"

"Yes Josh! Let's hit it! England here we come."

Brittany was excited to board her private jet. Being a pop star had its perks. So far she had been all over the world; Paris, Rome, Australia, but she had never been to England.

She held the railings and climbed the steps into the plane. For something that didn't look very large on the outside, it sure had a lot of room on the inside.

Brittany kicked her shoes off and lay down on the sofa. "Ahhh this is good!" She said getting up to search through the cabinets for food.

Josh was quick to intervene. "Woah, hold up their sport. We have 16 hours in here with only 1 stop, don't go eating all the food right away." Brittany groaned and went back to the couch.

"But Josh, I'm starving!" She looked up and fluttered her eyes at him.

"Nah uh, that crap is not gonna work on me plus you had lunch a half hour ago." He chuckled. "I'v known you for way too long. You're mum made me your manager so I could look out for you. You know her, she doesn't want you to get into any trouble for yourself not after-" Brittany was quick to interrupt.

"Okay, shut it. I understand. But you are NOT the boss of me okay." She smiled and nudged him on the shoulder. "I'm 21 I can look after myself you know."

"Yeah, well I have strict orders and I'm 25 so that makes me more experienced." Brittany smirked.

"You may be more experienced in management, but I'm way more experienced in the bedroom." She grinned moving her eyebrows up and down.

"Ew, gross Britt." He shoved Brittany so she fell off the sofa and onto the floor.

"Ow!" She yelped. "Oh no! Pop sensation Brittany Pierce! Are you okay?!" Josh mocked her while laughing.

"Shut up." Brittany smirked while getting comfortable. She lay back down on the couch while resting her head on Josh. Her breathing began to calm and she was carried into a blissful sleep.


Brittany was woken up by the sound of crumpling. She slowly opened her eyes and  sat up from her sleeping position. She was still a little groggy from her nap. Her neck was a little sore from the position she slept in so she could only move it to the right without it hurting. She looked around to see where the noise was coming from.

"Josh!" She moaned. "How could you." She stood up from the couch and snatched the packet of chips from his hand.

Josh threw his hands up in defence. "Hey, you were sleeping." Brittany ignored him and kept walking to the back of the plane.

Josh followed her intrigued. "Where do you think you're going with those!" He yelled chasing her which caused Brittany to quicken her pace.

Brittany finally made her way to the back of the plane where she jumped onto her bed and hid under the covers. The footsteps behind her began to fade. She came out from under the covers and grabbed the remote to turn the TV on.

Suddenly, Josh came out of no where and began to tickle attack her. Brittany was in fits of laughter. "Stop, stop please!" She begged.

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