Chapter Eight: Officially together?!?

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Dipper's POV:
While I was having a converstion with pacifica... Something hit me like... Wait are we officially together now? So I asked her
"Well, do you want to be my boyfriend?" She asked me
"Ofcourse Pacifica, I love you with all my heart and you know that right?" I confirmed
"Are you serious? Okay so we're together now?" She asked
"Yeah, so its official, we're together, right wifey?" I said with confidence
"Wifey?" She asked
"Yeah, I mean you're not just my girlfriend anymore, you're my wife-to-be right?" I giggled
She giggled too and said "Okay hubby" she said. Moments later I heard someone unlocking her door so She said goodbye to me "ummmm... Sorry hubby I got to go, someone's here bye" she said as She waved goodbye
"Okay goodbye wifey, I love you" I said
"Okay hubby, I love you more" She smiled while ending the call.
After the call I jumped around and shouted "Woohoo!" Over and over again then wendy opens the door "Dipper, we need to talk" I raised my eyebrow and walked towards her.

Pacifica's POV:
I ended the call with dipper and I hid my phone and I wiped the smile of my face. When the door opened I saw the maid with my lunch "Here's your luch Miss Northwest" She said sweetly. "Wait" I said while she stopped "Yes miss?" She responded "Where are my parents?" I asked "They aren't in town miss, they went to the city to fix stuff that's what I heard" what? My parents aren't here? Yay!!! I'm so happy I could just jump "ohhh... Okay well dismiss" I said while dismissing her. She locked my door again and I just ate my lunch.

Dipper's POV:
I approached wendy who seems to be in tears "Why what's wrong?" I asked "I thought you were gonna give us another shot? But mabel said that you're going out with pacifica. Is that true dipper?" I nodded and she covered her mouth and slapped me in the face "I'm sorry wendy, I couldn't help it, I tried to stop my feelings for her but... I just.... Can't, I'm inlove with her wendy, look I'm sorry if let you down okay? But feel like, we don't belong with each other" I explained wendy knelt down and cried I hugged her and I whispered "I'm really sorry" She wiped her tears away and looked at me and smiled "You know what? Its okay. I knew that you were gonna choose her than me, I mean who am I right? I'm just the girl who broke your heart in the first place. I don't deserve your love, I don't deserve anyone's love" she said while crying "Maybe You don't deserve mine, but your heart is on a reserve for a special guys, its just that, it isn't me" she nodded and stood up "Thank you dipper" She said while hugging me "Sure wendy, can we be friends again?" I asked and smiled at her she nodded and said "Yes, that's what we are right?" Then she laughed "anyways thanks dipper, I got to go" she said while walking away "okay bye" I said as I closed the door...

Wendy's POV:
Maybe me and dipper are supposed to be like this way... Friends but I'm happy that way, its better than being ignored by him so I'm happy with my place... As I stepped out of the mystery shack everything turned gray and I saw a one-eyed triangle guy and he spoke to me
"Hello ice..." He said
"Uhmmm... Who are you?" I asked with questions in my head
"Ohhh sorry how rude of me, I'm the Bill Cipher and you are wendy- or should I call you ice?" He said mockingly
"What? Why do you call me ice? And where the heck am I?" I asked
"Sorry but I can't tell you that but... I can suggest a deal" He said
Okay I got a little freaked out when he said deal but ofcourse... Who would trust a floating triangle? Not me ofcourse "sorry bill, but I'm not that gullable, I've been through a lot of monsters that can't be trusted and there is a lot of  reasons why I don't trust you... Sorry bill, I can't make a deal with you" I said rudely
"Okay kid... But remember... You're missing alot... But... I'll let you think about our deal" he said
I opened my eyes and looked around my place the triangle guy is nowhere to be found and everything went back to normal. Maybe I'm just daydreaming I thought to myself. Then I went home and forget what happen earlier.

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