Finally Cared For (a Harry Styles story)

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Ok so this is my first fanfic and I'm trying the whole writing thing out for the first time so be nice :)


There was a girl named Grey and she had this very abusive father. Not to get anything wrong she loved her father just not when he would yell at her. it would be the littlest things that would get him going. whether it would be from leaving a cup upstairs to not answering a phone on time. There was this one when they were in a hotel in New York for her cousins wedding and her was in the bathroom getting ready when her phone rings. She picks up the phone handing it to her dad but he doesn't answer it quick enough cause it is a smart phone and of course he blames it in her and says these exact words "Why didn't you answer the damn phone you stupid bitch" and then throws the phone at her. she never told her mom about What happened but as soon as she was dine in the bathroom she went in and started to cry. the worse part is that he would pretend that nothing would happen and in public he my seem nice but if you live with him you would see just how terrible. The New York scene was now two years should and she is bow a senior in high school and she isn't thinking about how fun high school is going to be all she can think about are the days left till she graduates. so that she can go to college far far away from her father. Since she is older now it isn't so much physical abuse but more so emotional he would make her day go from being good to her crying her self to sleep. She thought about suicide a couple of times and thought that he would actually be happy not to have deal with her anymore. She came to her senses and started to think of her mom and how she would be stuck alone with him. She thought that graduation would never come and that she would never get out of that house. When it did and it was time to go to college she never imagined that she would meet the most amazing boy in the world one that would care about and for her his name Harry Styles

AN I'm not really sure where this is going but i hope someone reads this :/ and sorry for any errors I typed most of this on my phone and well you know

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