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One morning at GOT7's dorm where Jr. is cooking breakfast for the members. Jr. looked at the clock which is now 10 o'clock, he groans in frustration as the members are still in their dreamland. He finished spreading the marmalade on the toast before washing his hands and yells, "Yah! GOT7! Wake up, it's already 10 o'clock!"
One by one runs out of the room upon hearing the 'mother' yells. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Jr. counted before glaring at them. "Wait. There's only 6. Who's missing?", Jr. asked them as his finger were pointing at them. Bambam hesitated at first before telling him, "Hyung, did you count yourself?", Jr. blinks his eyes for a few times before letting out a soft sigh and nods, "Right.. 7.", he said before pressing his lips together, feeling embarrassed. Mark can't help but laughed before hugging Bambam, "Yah, Bam. You knocked him down with just that question.", 
Bambam try to laugh but he was afraid to do that as Jr. was glaring at him with that 'don't-you-dare-laugh-at-me' look. Mark pats Bambam's chest a few times, signalling him to just laugh and Bambam bursts out laughing and earning a weird look from Yugyeom, JB, Youngjae and Jackson. JB got in between them and places his palm on Jr.'s chest. "Yah, both of you stop laughing and follow the others to have breakfast.", Mark's smile fade away instantly, "Yah, Im Jaebum. How dare you 'yah' me? I'm your hyung.", "Okay okay, I'm sorry, hyung. I didn't mean to call you that.", 
Mark crossed his arms and pout as JB looked at him. Bambam wraps his arm around Mark's shoulder to comfort him. "Ahh, hyung, don't pout at me. I'm sorry. What can I do to make you forgive me?", JB asked Mark as he hold Mark's wrist. And with just that action, Bambam looked straight at JB with a jealous look on his face. How can Jaebum hyung touch Mark hyung that easily. He knows that I love Mark hyung yet he did that. Bambam thought to himself before walking to the dining room with Yugyeom. Yugyeom looked at Bambam weirdly before knowing what happened.  "Bam.""What?""Are you okay?""What do you mean, Yugyeom?""Well, I saw what happened. Jaebum hyung holds Mark hyung's wrist. You're jealous, aren't you?" Yugyeom asked Bambam as he looked at his friend.
Bambam lets out a soft sigh before answering, "Yugyeom.", "Yes?", Bambam look at Yugyeom, "Is it wrong to be jealous? I'm afraid Mark hyung can't stand being with me because I always feel jealous when other members doing skinship with him or talk to him for so long..", Yugyeom pats his friend's shoulder gently, "It's okay to be jealous, Bammie. People said that you love that person when you're jealous of that person with someone else.", Bambam looked to the side at Yugyeom with his slightly wide eyes, "Really? I do love Mark hyung. Then it must be true.", Bambam earned a nod from Yugyeom.
Mark was surprised when Bambam suddenly walks pass by him to walk with Yugyeom. JB quickly lets go of Mark's wrist before telling Jr. and Mark, "Come on, let's eat. The members are waiting.", Bam, are you jealous, again? Aigoo, what should I do with a cutie like you? So cute. Mark thought as he smiles to himself before walking to the dining room and have breakfast with the members.    ----------
It was a cold night in Seoul where GOT7's dorm is and Bambam was sitting on the floor in his room as he was playing with a teddy bear. Mark who were at the living room was worried if Bambam was really angry at him. JB who happened to walk at the living room saw the older who was biting his finger while looking at the television and the television is not on. "Hyung, are you okay?", Mark snapped out of his imagination, "Hm? I'm fine, completely fine.", "And there you go again, lying to me. Hyung, you're obviously not fine. What's wrong? You could tell me.",
"I think Bam is mad at me.","And why is that?","I don't know. Ever since this morning where you hold my wrist, he's kinda been avoiding me..",
JB could only laughs softly as he look at Mark before squeezing his shoulders. "Hyung, you're so clueless.", "Huh?", Aish. This hyung could be clueless and stupid sometimes. I'm sorry Mark hyung but you are like that, sometimes. Jaebum thought to himself before telling Mark, "Obviously he's jealous that I hold your wrist. He gets jealous if anyone does skinship with you or talk to you for so long. Only he could do that to you.", Mark was shocked to hear that from the leader. "Did he say that?", JB nods with a smile plastered on his face. "Take him out, he'll like it. I'll tell manager hyung.", and with that, Mark runs to Bambam's room and barged in.
Bambam was shocked when someone barged in all of a sudden. "Wh-", he was speechless when he saw Mark standing at the door while looking at him. "Baby, let's go out.", "What? Can we? Jaebum and Manager hyung will be mad.", Mark shook his head before pulling the younger gently by his wrist. "I took care of it already. Don't worry and let's go on our date.", Bambam kept quite but follow his lover when Mark walk out of the room while holding Bambam's wrist, and with that, they went out from the dorm to the street.
The couple were walking at the lonely street before someone scream all of a sudden. "MarkBam forever!!", the girl screamed while holding a small banner with a photo Mark and Bambam on the banner before running away with her friends. Bambam smiled as he was happy that fans shipped Mark and him together. "Hyung..", "Bam..", they said at the same time before giggling softly. "You go first.", Mark told Bambam. "Hyung.. I'm really sorry for not talking to you since this morning.", Mark smiled at the Thai boy before pulling him for a hug. "Hyung..", "Shh.. Let me talk.", Bambam nods.
"You don't have to be sorry, I'm not mad at you. I'm sorry for being so free with everyone that I didn't know that you don't like when people does skinship with me and talk to me for so long. I should've asked you why you were jealous but I didn't. Instead, I let it go like that and not knowing that you might hurt on the inside.. I'm sorry, baby.", Bambam soften up when Mark said that. Bambam pulled away from the hug slowly before cupping Mark's cheeks. "Don't apologize, hyung. I shouldn't be jealous all the time, I'll try..", "I love you, Bam. Only you, forever.", 
Bambam smiles widely to hide his reddish cheeks as he blush due to Mark's confession. "I love you too, Mark hyung. Forever too.~", Mark giggles before hugging the Thai boy tightly back and whispered at his ear, "I love you, Bam. Forever.", Mark earned a nod from Bambam and pulls away quickly and pouts at the Thai boy. "That's all I get for saying that I love you forever?", Bambam chuckles at how cute Mark is before leaning in and press his lips on Mark's lips softly. Mark replied the kiss deeply but passionately as he wraps his arms around Bambam's neck before pulling away and nuzzle his nose on Bambam's neck.
With that sweet yet passionate kiss, Mark treat Bambam for an ice-cream and a cotton candy before heading back to their dorm with wide smile plastered on their faces.~ ♥

Finally- I've finished this. Uh, sorry if it's not interesting. T.T
Hope you enjoy reading this!  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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