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It's 6:40, I've got work at 7. A quick trip to McDonalds is a must.

"What's up?" Clark asks as I put on my apron.

"Uh nothing much, what about you?" I ask being polite.

"Not so great, but I'm okay," he says laughing a little. Wonder what happened with him?

"How can I help you? I'm Vanessa," I say to our first customer. He's cute.

"I'll take a black coffee," he says smiling at me. "Oh and you can call me Johnson."

"One black coffee coming up for Johnson," I say assuring his order.

I make his coffee, it's not a complicated order. Least it's not one of those frappes or something, I hate making those.

"Here you are sir," I say handing him the coffee.

"Thank you," he says then pays.

"Thank you! Come again," I say as he walks outside.

"That guy was trying to flirt with you v," Clark says.

"Nah," I say chuckling.


About twenty minutes later Johnson come back in from sitting on the patios outside the coffee house.

"Vanessa was it?" he asks.

"Uh yes," I say wondering what he's doing back in here.

"Well when you wrote my name on my cup you forgot to put your number on it," he says smirking.

"Oh my god. You can't think that was a decent pick up line can you?" I ask laughing.

"Can't blame me for trying," he says winking at me.

"Here," I say grabbing a piece of paper to write my number on then hand it to him.

"Thanks babe," he says taking the paper. "I'll text you later."

"Told you he was flirting earlier," Clark says once Johnson exits.

"Shut up!" I say playfully.


Hey babygirl ;)

Who is this? Haha



What're you doing right now?

Leaving work

I'll pick you up, okay?

Uhm okay. lol

Be there in 5


"How was your day?" Johnson asks as I enter his car.

"Was okay and yours?" I ask.

"Good because I met this hottie at coffee shop," he says laying his hand on my thigh as he drives.

"Aren't you so sweet? Where are we going?" I asks.

"You wanna hang at my place or yours?" he asks.

"Yours is fine," I say.

"Okay," he says rubbing my thigh. Does he know how much I love when guys put their hand on my thigh oh my god.

"Here," he says stepping out of the car.

"That was fast," I say laughing.

"I live super close to your work," he says grabbing my hand. He's quite touchy, he likes to have his hands on me at all times possible. I kind of like it.

He guides me into his apartment. There's a couple guys here, I guess he has roommates.

"What's your name babygirl?" a guy with platinum blonde hair asks as I sit beside him.

"Vanessa and yours?" I ask, giving him a small smile.

"I'm Sam or Sammy which ever one you wanna call me, you can also call me daddy," he says winking.

"Lay off Sam," a guy with dark hair says. He's hot, like really hot.

"Johnson where'd you find this hoe?" Sam asks.

"Sam shut the fuck up," the dark haired boy says again.

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask. This is so awkward. Where is Johnson?

"I'll show you," Johnson says coming back into the room.

I nod.

"Here it is," he says pointing.

"You could have just said down the hall you know."

"Yes but then I couldn't have done this," he says pushing me against the wall. He kisses me slowly. "I'll be in my room, if you want come hang with me in there away from all those douches," he says.

"Okay, be there is a sec," I say. I quickly pee and make sure I look presentable after my long day at work.

"There she is," Johnson says as I enter his room.

"You know they're gonna think we're having sex because we didn't go back in there," I say giggling.

"Who gives a fuck? I just want you to myself," he says pulling me closer to him.

"Are you always this charming?" I ask, sarcastically.

"Well of course," he says kissing my check. "What do you want to watch?" he asks.

"How about that unfriended movie?" I ask.

"Mm okay," he says.

We started the movie like 20 minutes ago and it's okay. Nothing like I expected, it's kind of stupid.

"Are you even watching this?" I ask.

"No but I'm watching you watch it," he says shyly.

Good Thing // j.g.Where stories live. Discover now