*More like a short fan fic rather than using your name I have characters set already, and it's a Ashton Irwin one Also Ellie has a non existent illness or maybe it is I dunno but if it is it isn't this so bare with meh and also no hate please and thanks*
*Senior Year Of College*
"Ellie. We need to talk," my boyfriend since seventh grade said. Me being me thought the worse. Was Ashton breaking up with me?
"Yeah?" I said a little hesitant, we haven't said 'I love you' to each other yet, I mean I know I love him, I've told all my friends I love him. I just haven't told him. But I will if it means he'll stay.
"When were you gonna tell me?" He said kind of harshly.
"About what?"
"You could fucking die! Isn't that something a girlfriend usually tells her boyfriend! God dammit Ellie why didn't you fucking tell me?!" Ashton started to yell in the empty lot, he was referring to your Cardioprohibere.
"I was gonna tell you Ash." I said in a whisper looking at the ground.
"Fucking shit you were gonna tell me! I had to find out because of my damn brother!"
"It's only if something scary happens to someone I love. I was going to tell you, I needed to find the right time." He sighed,
"Ellie, anytime is the right time for you to tell me anything," he said lowering his voice.
"I'm sorry Ash, I just- I didn't want you to over react. It's only a possibility that my heart won't be able to handle the pain from someone I love getting seriously hurt, or being in another accident. Just a higher risk then the average person of death is all."
"Ellie, I don't know what I'd do without you. It's just, we've been with each other for so long and I don't remember a day without you. Since we were little we've been best friends and in seventh grade I decided to grow a pair, and to think after all that shit we've been through. I just can't loose you."
"Guess what." I said hopefully he'll be less upset if he thought about it this way, "This just means that I have a document saying if something were to happen to you, my heart literally might not be able to handle it because I love you so much."
"I don't need a document telling me that I love you too much, your last day here, will be mine." I smiled realizing what we had just said to each other and kissed him on the lips.
*Ashton P.O.V. 7 years later
Four years ago Ellie and I had our first child together, Emery. Last year, we were on our way to the hospital so she can give birth to our second baby. On the way there, a huge truck short stopped right in front of us and Ellie was about to have a panic attack, she couldn't die today, that was the only thing that went through my head, we also had Em in the back seat.
"Ellie, I'm okay, Emery is okay, you're okay. I promise you. We are all okay."
"We could have died Ashton!" Was what she yelled before fainting. I called the ambulance and luckily we weren't that far. I had to comfort Emery and at the same time make sure my love wouldn't die.
"Yes baby?" I remember being in the back of that ambulance with my daughter and Ellie.
"Is mommy and the baby okay?"
"They're fine." I said trying to reassure myself and Em at the time. When we got to the hospital she woke up and the doctors began to tell her she needed to push. She did, they knew, I knew, and maybe even she knew, we were delivering a dead baby, my dead baby.
"Miss. Jules, Mr. Irwin. We are very sorry but-" Ellie just told them not to finish the sentence, her last words were,
"Don't keep that stupid promise, Emery needs you." And before I could tell her she would be fine, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I pushed her hair back and kissed her forehead allowing my tears to do whatever they please.
"Daddy?" My daughter said brining me out of my flashback coming to sit on my lap, "Were you crying?"
"Yeah, I was."
"Can I make a video to mommy today?" I smiled and nodded getting my video camera. A lot of the times Emery will make videos and speak to Ellie and talk to her. Ellie's mother came up with the idea.
"Hi mommy. Daddy was crying, again. He said that you had to go take care of my baby brother while he takes care of me, he said that you couldn't leave the baby by himself. I wish I could see you again mommy. I never got to see the baby either, but daddy says he's safe with you. Oh! And guess what mommy! I'm taking dance lessons! Daddy said you used to dance together when you were little, so he dances with me to. It's so much fun, you should tell the baby to take dance lessons when he's a big boy like me! But the boy me! I love you mommy!" She said to the camera before blowing a kiss to it. I turned it off and she asked, "Daddy, when are you gonna send it to mommy?"
"Very soon, I promise,"
"Why can't mommy send them back again?"
"Because, she lives somewhere far away now, she couldn't stay here, neither could the baby. So, she can't send them back because the mail over there doesn't deliver here. But trust me, she smiles down at them."
"Okay! Are we going to grandma's for cake and presents?"
"Good! I love going to grandma's on my birthday wanna know why?"
"Why is that?"
"Because, everyone goes on my birthday, even mommy's family!" I smiled at my daughter, she had so much of Ellie in her it was unbelievable.