chapter 1 -- The Badboy

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A\N [ Hey guys so don't judge me this is my first book that I've written. I'll try to update at least once every 2 weeks. ] go on read this chappie.

Alexandra's POV

My girlfriend's bitchin' cause I always sleep in she always screamin' when she's calling her friend's she's kinda hot though-

"Grr... why does it have to be Monday." I said as I tried to pry myself from the warm comfy bed. Key word tried, I was just too tired. I didn't know from what but I just was. I turned towards my night stand and put my thick black framed glasses. There was a banging at my door. "Alex get up and ready for school." my mother said from behind the door. "Hurry up if you're not ready in 45 minutes then I'm going to dress you myself!" oh dear god if my mother is going to dress me I might as well go to a ball. She would put me in a dress and cake my face, I'd look like those snobby cheer leaders at my school.

I got out of bed and started to do my daily routine: brush my teeth, take a shower, comb my rat nest of hair, get dressed, and finally get my bag together.

I finished and was about to open my door when my mother yelled at me," ALEXANDRA get down here now it has been 45 minutes......... I made chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and eggs. Extra chocolate just how you like it!" with that being said I rushed down stairs as fast as I could. On my way down the stairs I fell at the last two. "Ouch Son of a female dog!" I shouted getting back up then running back into the kitchen. "Alex what happened?" my mother asked. "I don't care what happened to me mom where's the food?!?" I asked hurriedly looking around the kitchen. "Geesh a yeah mom I'm okay would be nice." She scolded me. "Yeah, Yeah now food," I clapped my hands twice at her, "now." She rolled her eyes at me as she handed me my plate.

I sat there and scarfed down the pancakes and other foods as fast as I can. I got up and washed my dishes. I turned around a seen my mother with a 'really-did-you-just-seriously' face. "What?" I asked. "You just vacuumed 3 pancakes, two over-easy eggs, and 3 slices of turkey bacon." She said as if she was in shock. "I know I should've ate more food huh." I said matter of factely as I rubbed my stomach. "I don't even know why god gave me a daughter, you should've been a boy Alex I swear." She told me as she politely ate her food. "Yeah well instead you got stuck with me." I said cheerily as I stuck two thumbs at myself making my suck-it  face.

I heard a car honk. That must be Eric. "Okay mom well that's my ride, I'll see you after school if you're here." I told my mom then went to give her a kiss on the cheek. I walked towards the door and grabbed my school bag off the floor.

When I reached Eric's car (black BMW m3) I hopped in the front seat. Eric is my best friend. He's the only guy who talks to me. We've known each other since year nine when he moved here from Miami. Eric has brown hair and brown eyes and has these pair of glasses he wear often if not then he wears his contacts, even I'd have to admit he is good looking.

"Hey Eric." I said. "Sup Alex what's new today?" he asked me. "Oh nothing much ate 3 pancakes, 2 eggs, and 3 slices of bacon this morning under 12 minutes." I said casually. "Hmm.... Would've thought under 10 maybe 8 minutes." He said while paying attention to the road. "Oh!, Oh!, and I fell down the stairs." I said. "Oh okay then nothing new in your life." He said as we pulled up into the school parking lot. "Okay," I said while hopping out the car, "I'll see you at third period." I started to walk towards the school. "Yeah." I heard him say behind me.

As I walked down the halls towards my locker I kept my head down trying to avoid all the weird stares people where giving me. All of a sudden I was pushed into the lockers. I didn't bother looking up cause I already knew who it was Jason Black the schools badboy. He was the one who always pushed me into lockers if not him then it was Lindsey. No one ever dared to look at him especially in the eyes. I heard rumors that the last boy who stood up to him, and looked him in the eye got beaten to a pulp. So I just looked down at his shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. He just scoffed at me then walked away with his posse. I picked up my binder and books, got off the floor then went to my class with my head held down. Yay! first period. History. Ugh!

~~~~~~~~ (skipping 1-3 period) ~~~~~~~~~~

I walked into the cafeteria and sat down at my usual table in the corner. I set my bag down, then went to go get lunch. For lunch we had pizza so I grabbed two slices then went to the vending machine to get sour patch kids and skittles. I then walked to my table. I sat down and grabbed my soda and Oreo's from my bag.

In the corner of my eye I see my four friends walking towards me Eric, Josh, John, and Isabella. Josh and John were twins they acted pretty stupid and argued a lot but hey I'm not complaining. Its very entertaining when you have no life, like me.  Isabella was beautiful she was my girl best friend we grew up together unlike my other friends who I met in the beginning of high school. Isabella was funny and way more girlish than me she actually cared about what she looked like I didn't. She is also was the head cheerleader. Eric he's my guy best friend. Mine and Eric's mom work together . Eric is my go to for everything, except make up. That's where Isabella comes in.

"Well, looks who's having a buffet and didn't invite your bestest of friends." Isabella said as she and the others set their trays on the table and sat dowln. "Ha, Ha, Ha, very funny Bells." I said sarcastically. " I know right!?" she said with the same amount of sarcasm. 

"So people anything new?" Eric asked us. The response was just a series of no's, And nothing. "Ehh..  you guys were boring anyway." Eric said.

We kept talking for a while then the bell rang and we headed off to class.

           After school.

As the bell rang everyone immediately jumped out of their seats and rushed out of class. I as usual was the last person to leave. Not because of how people seen me. If they even did see me. But because I hate being shoved, slapped, and pushed around by various people all at once.

As I walked through the parking lot. A certain thing caught my eye it was a bike.  No not a bicycle. sucks I know right. It was a motorcycle. It was all black z250. it was nice ill admit that. in the corner I noticed a symbol but it was soon covered by a body.

"Admiring my bike doll?" I look up to be met with all too familiar eyes. Jason Black of course he's the school bad boy why didn't I think of that.  oh god. His eyes were a perfect hazel color his brown hair in his face. I was looking at him admiring him and his features. his body was sculpted to perfection. he looked about 6 foot or 6'3 somewhere in between there. I seemed like a midget compared to him with my 5'3 height curse you genes.  I didn't notice that I was checking him out until I heard a heavenly voice interrupt me , "god is that you?"  I asked myself. " No doll its just me, didn't know I sounded like him though. " Jason said while smirking at me. " oh god I said that out loud? I'm such an idiot. " I said palming my face. " Again doll stop calling me god and yes you said that out loud." he said. Now feeling my face flushed I turned side ways letting my hair cover my face. " okay well gotta zayn." I said rushed and walked quickly back home. I heard him chuckle faintly while I walked away.


hey guys so what do you think?





i Will post soon don't worry. happy holidays (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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