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Authors note: we do not own any of the song, we simply copied it because we do not speak Korean and we are to lazy to write songs.
Thank you.

Bora's POV:

"Don't be nervous girls, we worked hard for this we're gonna win" our leader Minnie encouraged.

Today is the last day of the competition. Five days ago were combined of this group of five and we had to write a song representing this group as in bliss.

We have to go against another group and the winner will win a record deal with cube entertainment and a surprise which they have yet told us.

I have gotten real close with my new group members - Gina, Yoora, Daena, and our leader Minnie.

Gina is what I learned so far is a rebel. even though she just met us, she constantly pull pranks on us like switching my Oreo cream into toothpaste.

Yoora is a fashionista she always matches her clothes into her emotions and always double checks he out fits before going anywhere.

Daena is the innocent one she never does anything to get in trouble, but if you get on her nerve your in trouble. Once, Gina put melted cheese inside her book and, she went crazy mad and started yelling profanities at her and even threw some books at her.

Our leader Minnie is this full on bubbly girl, but is very serious about her music and leading group which is why picked her as leader.

We all have different personalities Gina is the rebel, Yoora is the clothes obsessed fashionista, Daena is the goodie two shoes, Minnie is the bubbly one, while I'm the bad girl.

Yeah you heard me I'm the bad girl, I ride a motorcycle, love wearing dark clothes - which makes me look sexy, and is a little bit mean, just a little bit.

"Now introducing the bliss" the announcer roared.

"Let's do this" I yelled at the top of my lungs before we ran into the stage.

(Paparazzi by girls generation start to play)

"Thank you everybody" Gina yelled before we ran off stage.

"That was amazing" Daena said.

"Especially in these outfits" Yoora laughed.

"Ok the judges have made their decision" the announcer said "we will like to ask both competitors to come out"

We all attached our hands together before walking on stage.

"Ok in my hand I have the winner for the final competition" he motioned to the envelop in his hand "right in this envelo-"

"will you just tell who won" I yelled interrupting him. Sorry but he was taking to long.

"Inpatient much" he muttered before he went back to his normal voice "the winner of the final competition is..... Bliss"

We all jumped and started screaming.

"Your prize is a recording contract with cube entertainment and the surprise" everyone died down for this.

"The surprise is a 4 month tour around with the one and only BTOB" the announcer yelled. And that only made us scream louder.

Well this is gonna be fun.

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