Chapter One

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"C'mon Hoseok! Give me a nice big smile then we can take five!"

The immense amount of lights shining down on him seemed to be slowly roasting him, but Hoseok learned to handle it.

The flash of the cameras seemed to want to blind him, but Hoseok learned to handle it.

And although they said he was going to get a five minute break, those five minutes were going to be taken up by his makeup artist, making him look perfect again- So It really wasn't a break at all. Of course though, Hoseok had taught himself to be able to handle it.

He flashed a grin at the camera, trying to not make it obvious that he running on three hours of sleep at the moment.
He didn't want to have to retake it.
Judging by the approving smile he saw grow on the photographer's face as he looked through the photos, he assumed he'd done fine.

"Good job Hoseok, as always." The photographer smiled and walked over to the model, patting him on the shoulder. "Alright! Everybody take five!"

As he suspected, as soon as that order was yelled out, Hoseok was being hauled over to his makeup artist and didn't even get a word out before he found himself sat down at the makeup table once more.

"You look tired." The artist noted as he narrowed his eyes at Hoseok, "Have you been sleeping?"

"Yes Jimin." Hoseok sighed, smiling softly to lift any of the other's worries.

"I'm calling bullshit on that but I'm going to let it slide this time." Jimin hummed as he re-did Hoseok's eyeliner, blending it out a bit, keeping the softer concept of the shoot in mind.
Hoseok rolled his eyes as Jimin re-placed a few pieces of his hair before letting him stand up once more.

"Hoseok? Can you come here for a second?" He heard his manager call for him and he stole a quick glance in the mirror before thanking Jimin and walking over to the owner of the voice.

"Yeah?" He asked raising an eyebrow as he walked over to his manger standing next to the photographer, his wardrobe artist and... Oh, that was a new face.

His dark brown hair was ruffled and messy, a few pieces sticking up which paired with his drooping eyes, Hoseok could tell he was probably as tired as he was, just worse at hiding it.

"Hoseok, this is Min Yoongi." His manager introduced the man, making Yoongi look over and lock gazes with Hoseok.

"Annyeonghaseyo. It's a pleasure to meet you." Yoongi greeted and bowed, Hoseok smiling and nodding in response.

"Yoongi is currently a photography major at Bangtan University, and was given a very rare chance. His course project was to be paired up with a professional model and take photos of them over the span of a month to be able to see what it's like working at a real shoot." His manager explained, making Hoseok's eyebrow's shoot up.

"I wasn't told about this." Hoseok stated, eyes flicking back to Yoongi for a second.

"That's the thing though Hoseok, you were. But I'm pretty sure you just tune me out sometimes." His manager explained, rolling his eyes at the model.
Hoseok narrowed his eyes at his manager before sighing and shrugging.

"Alright, what's the worst that can happen?" He smiled at the brunette who was swinging his camera aimlessly around one the strap around his neck and motioned for him to follow him. "My break is up so I guess we can go take some pictures now?" He looked over at his manager and the other photographer for confirmation and got a nod in response.

Yoongi walked next to Hoseok silently and looked as if he was attempting to flatten down his hair, making Hoseok chuckle lightly.

"Alright." He heard Yoongi sigh as they walked onto the set. He saw the photographer's eyes scan the set, then lingering on Hoseok for a second before he finally spoke up once more.
"Okay, can you like sit on the ground?" Yoongi asked as he turned on and prepared his camera.

Nodding, Hoseok sat on the floor, cringing slightly at the coldness of the concrete. "Now lean against the wall."
Yoongi leaned down onto one knee to get a better angle and nodded as Hoseok complied to his orders. "Look away from the camera, and try to keep your expression as natural as possible."

Hoseok straightened out the white shirt he was wearing before nodding and turning his focus away from the camera.
He heard the sound of the shutter and saw the flash out of the corner of his eye. "Perfect." He heard Yoongi breathe and used all of his willpower to not look over to see the face of the photographer.
"Face me." Yoongi directed, Hoseok doing so.

He found, for whatever reason it was harder to keep his fairly neutral expression when he could see that messy mop of brown hair behind the lens.
It was quite distracting.
And Hoseok never got distracted at his photoshoots.

"Just one more." Yoongi mumbled before the shutter went off once more. "That should be good." He smiled.

"Are you sure?" Hoseok asked, "You only took about three. What if they didn't turn out?"

Yoongi shrugged and flipped through the photos on his camera.
"To me," He responded, "The first ones always turn out the best. All of your focus is put into the first copy." He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jean jacket. "Besides, I'm trying not to take up too much of your time."

The model raised an eyebrow and stood up.
"Can I see the pictures?"
The brunette nodded and handed the camera over to Hoseok.
Hoseok flipped through the pictures, three in total, and smiled, surprised at how well they turned out.

"What do you think?" Yoongi asked playing with the strap for the camera absentmindedly.
Hoseok grinned.

"I think you're a natural."

The photographer beamed at Hoseok as he camera was handed back to him.

"And I think the same of you."

Me: I'm not going to write another book I have too much going on.
Me: *Writes first chapter*
Me: *Makes cover*
Me: *Publishes first chapter*
Me: God dammit

I saw a photographer au and couldn't help myself okay.

- Charlie

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