Hi my name is Olivia. Wait let me refrase that MY NAME IS OLIVIA .Sorry .I'm a bit annoyed .Have you ever been teased alot and people say its just slagging ,well its not its mean . Just because my aunty is going out with Kelsy Slatters dad .She always says things like 'Well your aunty was at my house yesterday and she fell over looking like a total idiot'
.It isn't fair why does she have lovely curly blond hair?!My aunt gets mad at me whenever I get mad at her but she scratches all up my arms and when I try and tell her she just zones out and does'nt care . I have muck brown straight hair I hate it nan says I can't dye it till I'm at least 17. Don't get me started on my three brothers Archie, Mark and Kenny my twin brother . Archie is 19 . Mark is 15 and Kenny is 12 .Just the other day my best friend Eugene came over to my house and Mark came into my room and said 'Ohh lala' . I pratically DIED!!!
Anyway I have to go to bed now (UHH!) Goodbye I love this ereader I can just write anything in it when ever I like