Raura: The Prom

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-Can I have some privacy while I'm peeing?! - Ross shouted to his sister while she was knocking at the bathroom's door like crazy.

-I will if you go to Laura's house and ask her to prom already! It's next week! - Rydel shouted at her brother fanatically.

Ross opened the door and rolled his eyes. Why was she always trying to get Laura and him together? It's not like he doesn't agree. Not that. He LOVED Laura as more than just a friend. He wishes he's able to kiss her whenever he wants and hug her and cuddle... But what if Laura didn't think of him like that? It'll ruin everything. That's why he was worried about asking her to prom.

-Or you do it, or I'll do it - Rydel said firmly.

-You're gonna ask Laura to prom with you? - Ross chuckled.

-Ha-ha - Rydel patted Ross's on his arm and left.

"Finally in peace" Ross though and left to his room. He laid on bed and looked up to the ceiling. Guess who was he thinking about?


-Laura - Vanessa, her sister, called from behind the door. Laura opened it, not knowing why her sister was calling her for.


-I've a dress for you to wear at the prom - Vanessa said happily.

-Gosh, really? - Laura gave Nessa a huge smile and followed her to her room. Vanessa picked up a dark blue short dress with some sort of bright waist belt.

-I love it! - Laura hugged her sister - Can I really wear it for the prom?

-Of course you can! It's your special day, you've been waiting for this day your whole life.

Laura nodded happily and took Vanessa's dress.

-So... - Vanessa smiled mischievously - Who's the lucky guy?

-What lucky guy? - Laura said as she was hiding something.

-Your prom date, silly! - Vanessa laughed - Who's him?

-Well...it's hum... - Laura blushed - It's a classmate, Jake. He's so sweet... I can't believe he asked me to prom! We haven't talked for quite some time since I'm busy with filming and stuff.

Vanessa's smile turned into a sad face as Laura told her, basically, that her date wasn't Ross.

-And why are you going with him then? Isn't it better to go with a better-known guy? I don't know... Let me think of a quick example: Ross.

Laura blushed a little. She knew what Nessa was trying to do.

-He's just my friend.

-But didn't you like him? Raura...

-I guess not. Jake asked me first and I'm going with him. End of the talk.

-Okay - Vanessa said although it wasn't OK. She had to tell somebody about this Raura disaster. And that person was Rydel Lynch.

-I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! - Rydel shouted as she was talking on the phone. All her family turned to see what was going on - NO WAY THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! WHAT ABOUT RAU- she noticed all the house (even Pixie) were staring at her so she calmed down - Nevermind. OK thanks for calling even if this is horrible. Bye.

-What was all that scream about? - Stormie asked her daughter.

-Ross, can I talk to you for a sec?

Rydel grabbed Ross's arm and went to her room.

-What's the matter? You're scaring me - Ross said.

-You have to be scared - She said madly - No! You've to be ashamed of yourself! Y'know what, you kinda deserve this! For not listening to me, a disaster occurs!

-Can you tell me what's going on? - Ross said, nervously. He first though of someone getting hurt. Laura, for example.

-Laura got asked to prom - Rydel said and Ross's jaw dropped.

-W-What? - he was able to speak after a while - Who?

-Jake, a classmate. Like three days ago.

-Oh god...

Ross sat down on his sister's bed and covered his eyes with her hands.

-But Laura is mine... - he mumbled.

-I'm sorry - Rydel said, calming down and beginning to think that her brother was probably about to tear up.

-It's all my fault... I can't believe she's going to prom with that jerk.

-You don't know him - Rydel hugged him - Maybe he's nice.

-I AM the right guy for Laura. Nobody's going to treat her like I do. Never.

And then silence again. But what Rydel and Ross didn't know was that there were a group of people listening to their conversation just right behind the door. And what they didn't know was that a certain brunette was now sitting on her bed, thinking about if the decision she's made is the right. And what none of them will never suspect, was that there was a certain guy, who was going to ruins someone's prom in a few days.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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