The Clown Child

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  • Dedicated to Heath Ledger

Chapter One


-Natalie's POV-

The Joker kisses me on the forehead and wraps his arms around me.

I smile and snuggle into him.

Ahh, yes, life is good.

Joker and I have been together for at least four years and I've been staying with him every chance I get. Harley has grown to like and except me and has became one of my closest friends besides Chloe and Derek. But, sometimes she can act weird when she sees J and I kissing or something. I can't blame her; she's still in love with him. But the only thing that kinda scares me is that Joker and I have been getting closer. And when I say 'closer', I mean, more and more physical with each other. Yes, physical. But we've gone straight and we love each other so much. And the birth control pills I take arn't the best pills a girl can have. Also, Joker isn't really 'prepaired' when we do things....we just do it without planning.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asks and licks his Glasgow scars.

I shake my head. "It's nothing."

"Do you wanna go back home?"

I shake my head again. "No! No, I love staying here with you. I'm just...tired now."

He smirks and gives me another kiss on the forehead. Then he says, "Ok. Well, I need to get dressed. I have to go check on my henchmen."

Joker slides out of the bed and walks to his drawer.

I fall back onto the pillow and sigh. I look down to examine my almost bare body.

Small gashes in my skin begin to bleed and bruises start to form. Unfortunatly, this is the down side of getting physical; Joker's tough.

I look up at Joker. His back is to me as he rummages through his drawer. I laugh; I can be equally tough.

"What's so funny?" he asks.

I sit up. "Oh, you just have a couple of bite marks on your back thats all."

He walks into the bathroom. "Bite marks?"

J turns around to try to see the damage i've done. He smiles when he sees little teeth marks from my mouth all over his back. "Well that's a first."

I smile and climb out of bed. I pick up my clothes from the floor and place them back on the bed. I grab my bra and put it on.

"J, help me." I say fumbling with the hook like I awlays do. He nods and fixes it then goes back to putting on his clothes.

I slip on my shirt and pants then walk into the bathroom. I shut the door just a little bit and go on with my business. But I nearly faint when my pregnancy test comes back positive.

"Oh, my, god. No, it can't be correct. It can't be." I look down at the positive sign and my mouth hangs open. I wait for a few minutes then try again.

Positive. Again. How is this possible?!

"JOKER!" I scream, "Come here!"

He slams open the door and runs in. "What? What is it? Are you hurt?"

I shake my head as a few tears run down my cheeks. "No. But you know how I always check after and," I hold it up for him to see, "It came back positive."

His mouth drops open. "P-postive? Are you s-sure? Natalie?"

I nod. "I checked twice."

"Oh, my, god. Oh, my, god. Natalie, we're going to have a baby?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2013 ⏰

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