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My eyes flickered open as I heard my mum downstairs shouting me. Great Monday and Monday means school. I groaned as I got out of bed and into the bathroom. I looked at the mirror and almost cried, why do people at school hate me so much I don't even say anything. I went back into my room and set out my clothes. Black skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt, black converse and my burgundy coloured hoodie. I slowly went downstairs into the kitchen. "Oh Bree I forgot to tell you, I'm not going to be here when you get back from school so I'll leave a key under the mat". "Ok" I replayed quite happily. I preferred to be on my own. AUTHORS NOTE: I will try to get more up everyday. Please comment!!.

As I got out if the car outside school was my regular bullies. I put up my hood and quickly walked on but they knew it was me. I turned around to see them walking up to me. I began to run into the school. As I ran down the hall I felt like crying, then I found the door to the library and ran in.

At last they were gone but I was still to nervous to go out to my locker. The first bell went but I didn't go out "I'll just sign out and go to the woods for a while or the park" I said to myself.

I walked up to reception and signed myself out and as I walked outside I saw a girl crying. She looked about my age (eighteen) I slowly walked over to see what was wrong. "Are you alright there?" I said nervously I don't usually talk to people. "Oh sorry you have to see me like this." By her accent it was clear she was from Dublin. She stood up and was trying to stop crying. "What happend?" I asked I can't help but feel sorry for people when they cry, unless I hate then. "My boyfriend cheated on me!" She said sadly. I thought for a moment and made up my mind "want to come hang out with me?,I'm leaving anyway." "Thanks I would love to" she replayed happily.

"So who was your boyfriend?" I asked. "His name was Chris, do you know him?" she had stoped crying and was more of a girly type. "Um there is a lot of people in that shit-hole called school." "Oh yes sorry i'm not the smartest of people." I finaly felt like there was someone to talk to. Her name was Anna. She had very light brown hair, big green eyes and was very pretty (I am straight by the way.) I mean she looked like a cheerleader, why would anyone cheat on her. After three hours of talking and telling each other about ourselves Anna's phone rang, it was chris. "What should i say?" she asked in panic, "Tell him to fuck off and die in a hole!" "Good answer" and she picked up the phone.

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