chapter 1 The rad party gone wrong.... by Rigby

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Rigby's POV

"Ok guys.... You ready to here the coolest scary story ever?" I asked with a grin.
"Sure..." Said Mordecai agreeing with me
"Sure Rigby! Sounds scary!" Said Eileen smiling sweetly. I blushed a rose red.... I didn't think that anyone noticed but.... Everyone did.... Mordecai and CJ stared and giggled.
"You like Eileen don't you?" Asked Mordecai being a jerkface
"No... Can I just tell my story please?" I asked hiding my embarrassment
"So it starts off with us getting in the cart for a costume party....." I said starting the story.... "Ok you guys ready for the coolest party of the year?" I asked getting in the back. "Heck yea I am!!"  Yelled Eileen sitting next to me. Mordecai and CJ grinned at us and Mordecai started the cart and we were on the road.
"So Mordo... What's the address? I'm gonna put it into the GPS." Asked CJ holding the GPS in her hand. Mordecai told CJ the address and she put it in the GPS. The robot voice is so irritating! It didn't even sound like it was trying to help.... More like trying to get us lost!
"Ugh this is taking forever!" I whined
"Rigby.... Try to have a little fun... Mordecai can you turn on the radio?" Asked Eileen trying to cheer me up. An awesome song came on and Eileen and I were dancing in our seats! Mordecai and Cj giggled at the sight. We got to the party but something seemed.... Odd about this party.... Eileen and I stared at the house in curiosity. We went inside and saw that people were already inside having a good time. We started dancing and the music stopped...
"What's going on?" Asked Eileen as she stopped dancing.
"I don't know." I said scared as can be.
We looked around and everyone was gone.... No one knew where they were... No sight of them.... Did everyone leave or was this party just and illusion? We then realised a strange figure standing by the door...
"Hey you! What did you do to the party?" I asked getting angry. The figure turned around and it was a man eating monster! We tried to run but I slipped. The monster almost ate me... But luckily Eileen saved me.
"Rigby what is that thing?" Asked Mordecai in shock
"I don't know.... But whatever it is.... I'm gonna get rid of it!" I said grabbing a weapon.
"Rigby no! Its too dangerous!" Yelled Eileen grabbing my hand.
"A raccoon's gotta do what a raccoon's gotta do..." I said as I walked to the monster. I beat the monster up repeatedly but it was no use... The monster ate me in one bite... I couldn't believe it...
"RUN!!!" yelled Mordecai as he shot the monster with a shot gun. When animal control got there they were able to cut me out.... And we all lived alive at the park.... The end...
"Dude that story was lame..." Said Mordecai being a jerk.
"Don't make fun.... I thought that story was.... Awesome..." Said Eileen smiling. I blushed once more until everyone started staring...
"You like her don't you?" Asked Mordecai.
" *sigh* yes....."


Authors note

Thx for reading the first chapter! I will be making chapter 2 soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2015 ⏰

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