Prohibition Story

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"Many a men have said that the root of evil is within the person, and that the things around them merely influence that internal evil. Every man has evil in his heart and it is only his choice if he wishes to be weak and fall victim to this darkness and fulfill their black hearted desires. If you've never heard that, then you have heard it now. Go tell your friends. Well, is that answer your question?"

I hate having to explain this every time some 'reporter' wants my opinion on the subject of our recent prohibition. This Mr. Bellow fellow, he is just like the rest... except for one aspect. He seems a little more secretive and held back then the others. Interesting. Maybe he will be a bit more entertaining.

He is sitting across my desk casually as if he knows exactly what he is going to do. He is wearing a small grey fedora, much like mine. A thick black coat over his business suit. His face is rugged and he seems a little serious, his hair cut nice and neat. He hasn't shaved this morning though. I wonder if he wanted to see me that soon, or perhaps he simply forgot. Well, it is quite early in the morning. Regardless, this should be fun...

Mr. Bellow shifted in his seat as he looked at me.

"Well, Mr., if I must say that answers my question, I will tell you that it would be a lie. I know that you believe there is more to it than that."

I guess he's right, but hell if I'm going to tell him. The real reporters in this city are nothing but a load of bullshit only wanting to print stories to get themselves headlined. Like this second rate 'reporter' is any diffrent. Still... the thought of explaining further seems appealing to me at the current moment... but if I am to allow him such a privilege, I should ask him something quite important first.

"Well, sure, I guess there is more I can tell you. But before I do, answer me this. Are you a wet, or are you a dry?"

Mr. Bellow raised an eyebrow and peered at me with his beedy eyes. It seems he doesn't seem to like that question.

He cleared his throat and straitened his tie. It seems he was ready to answer that question, even before I asked. Perhaps he expected as much, but, who's to say.

Mr. Bellow looked at me with a stare.

"What you are asking, my friend, is that if I believe that alcohol should be banned, or if it should be free domain, sort to speak. I am going to also guess that depending on my answer, you will either tell me more of your opinion, or will leave me with that single sentence from before."

He's a sharp man, or at least more so then the others. What an accomplishment.

"Alright then, my friend, now that you have stated the obvious, will you care to tell me your answer?"

Mr. Bellow laughed heartily. That's a strange reaction...

"You are quite the person, do you understand that? But, I am sure your opinion matters little to the general populous. Yet, here I am, still asking you to completely tell me your opinion. It almost feels like a game of some sort to you. Fine! I shall play your little game."

This man certainly seems much sharper than the other reporters. None of the others even came close to realizing I just play with them. Well, perhaps this man will be a better opponent then those idiots. From what I can tell, I already know his answer, but still, I needed to know if he was honest when I asked him to tell me. I guess he figured as much. Or perhaps he has just been lucky.

"Ha! If you say so, Mr. Bellow. But you are dodging the question."

Mr. Bellow shook his head.

"I should be telling you that, I am the reporter after all."

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