Chapter Six: Liss

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It's about a month since I met Poison and Andy. Luca is glory with all the guys around all the time, they've all became a fixture in our lives. I'm not quite sure if Rikki and I are official yet but we constantly hook up.

Everyone sits on couches in Luca and my apartment. I walk over to the mail that Luca got earlier today. My dad's weekly letter about my brother's accomplishments and how perfect he is. I grab scissors and go to cut up the letter, Luca stops me.

"What if there's pictures of your brother in there." He questions with a smirk. I hand him the letter.

"You have it, sweetheart." I say walking back over to the couch.

I sit in between Rikki and Andy, Rikki wraps his arm around my shoulders. I hear the envelope open and Luca starts laughing.

"I told you so!" He says holding up the picture of my brother in his Giants uniform.

We share our stupid green eyes, that's it. He has sandy brown hair like my dad, I have black hair like my mom. Carter stands about six and a half feet tall, I stand about five and a half feet tall. I everyone says look like my mom, part of it I can see green eyes and black hair but she was the most beautiful woman to ever walk planet earth, I'm no where close to as pretty as she was.

"Earth to Liss." Andy says, snapping in front of my eyes.

"Hmm?" I ask and everyone laughs.

"I said are you going to read this letter?" Luca wonders and I shake my head.

"Are you going to keep that picture of Carter?" I wonder and he smiles sheepishly. "You're disgusting." I smirk and everyone laughs.

"I'm sorry but he is beautiful!" Luca says looking at the picture. "You look so much alike!"

"Luca, you been drinking again?" I wonder. "We look nothing alike."

"But those pretty green eyes!" Andy says taking the picture from Luca, my face turns red.

"Right?" Luca wonders. "How big do you think he is?"

"Luca!" I complain covering my ears and everyone laughs again.

"Honey, all I'm saying is I could rock his world." He smirks and everyone laughs.

"Shut the hell up." I say through my teeth.

"You're pretty sexy when you're angry." Luca smirks.

"Stop talking." I try not to laugh.

"He wasn't lying though, babe. You are pretty sexy when you're angry." Rikki tells me quietly and I turn red again.

Rikki starts to kiss my jawline and into my neck, not caring who was around. His arm wraps tighter around me, pulling me closer to him. I turn to him and he starts to kiss my mouth. We quickly move to making out.

It's weird to me that no one has said anything. Maybe it's a perk of never begin noticed.

Carter is four years older than me. He was just leaving high school when I got there, we had all the same teachers. He was a nearly perfect student, great grades, star quarterback, student body president, the works. I got good grades, rugby state champion in my last three years of school. Carter got into the best schools in the country. No matter what it was, Carter did it thirty times better than I ever could've. I was referred to as Carter Swagger's little sister.

Moving around didn't help that. During public school we moved every year. Each grade was a different state. Grade three and grade four was in Germany, now I can speak fluent German. There I was the smaller American. Fifth through twelfth was in Washington state. I was able to make some friends but the whole idea of beginning that other Swagger kid stuck.

My dad thinks Carter is the best thing to ever grace god's green earth. He didn't want a daughter, my mom did. Her name was Alice, because of her small build everyone called her Mouse. She stood maybe five foot even if she was lucky, had long black hair, and green eyes. Mom was beautiful. After I was born, she started to get really sick. She died when I was two and a half. I think my dad blames me, if I wasn't born maybe she would've still been here. She didn't deserve to die, she was the most gentle person to every live. She was kinda and good hearted. I don't think she ever took her Yankees cap off. My grandfather had given to her when she was a kid. I try as hard as possible to never take it off, same with the locket. It has a picture of my mom before she died. I don't wear jewelry, I play rugby for Christ's sake! But that necklace, I would never part with.

Rikki pulls away and studies me.

"Whats wrong, baby?" He wonders and I force a smile.

"Nothing, don't worry." I assure him but his smile tells me that he doesn't believe me.

I snuggle into his side and he kisses my forehead.

"That's such bullshit. We're talking about it later." Rikki whispers in my ear and places his arm back across my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

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