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"Ghost in the mirror.
Just look beyond, the balanced reflection."
          ~ Ghost In The Mirror,
                      Motionless In White.

All my life I had to deal with the internal conflict of talking to an imaginary friend.

Since the age of 5 my parents always thought that I would grow out the phase. It wasn't until I fully turned 14 that I realized that my friend wasn't imaginary at all, and that I would never grow out of the phase.

I also realized that the more that I grew up, the more I had to hide the fact that I was talking to something that nobody else but I, could see, feel, hear, touch, even smell. As a current 23 year old, I had to keep my condition discreet.

This friend, or as some might say imaginary friend, his name is Richard, but due to how close we had become I call him, Ricky.

"God damn." I muttered out feeling the sensation of a tap on the nape of my neck.

Ricky has been insisting that I talk to him, but how? I was in the middle of a day out with some friends.

"You know it's bad enough no one knows that I exist and the only person who knows that I do exists is ignoring me." He got me there.

"Hey bitches I have to go, I have interesting things to do." I joked, and got up leaving them the money I owe for the lunch I ate at the restaurant.

"Go masturbate to your old imaginary friend then." They joked, I groaned and walked out heading towards my car.

"You don't need to masturbate, I mean you can feel when I touch you, I'm sure you could feel something else." Ricky smirked, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, no thanks." I started the car and laughed, driving off. "Rosie, tell me something." I felt the seriousness of his question.

"What do you want me to say?" I perched up, being cautious as I dodged some cars occasionally to get to my house.

"Do you believe that one day, I can become real so that everyone else can see and touch me, you know?" He sighed out.

We've been over this discussion so many times.

"Honestly Ricky, I can't answer that but that's why I'm trying to create something that I can use to help you Ricky. Trust me I'm doing everything in my will to help you."

"I want to be normal." He wiped his tears away, "You are normal, I believe in you." I stopped the car and turned towards him.

"In order to help you I need your cooperation. Mr. Gales he's working on this portal to connect with the beyond. He believes that if you can go beyond that circuit, we can make you a human not that you aren't one."

"Mr. Gales, that scientist that tried to help you out with me because he thought you were crazy?" He laughed simply.

"Yeah him, he actually believes me now." I smiled and got out of my car, Ricky had disappeared as I got out. I sighed already knowing what he was gonna do.

The instant I walked to my front door it flew open, "You're welcome." He grinned. "Thank you, Rick." I smiled.

"So first things first-" I closed the door, so I could speak but he spoke over me, "I'm the realist." He finished off with a stupid smirk.

I mentally face palmed "Rose!" Ricky fell back holding his face.

It soon hit me, Ricky is part of my mind, so whatever I think basically affects him.

"I should try that more often!" I laughed and sat down on the floor, in front of him.

"So as I was saying, I personally think that we should practice staying away from each other, so that way we can manipulate stuff."

Ricky stood dumbfounded, "You know how you can only be close to me, you can't be really far apart from me for a long time. The thing is that we need to try to get a good amount of distance between each other. That way we or you can do incredible things." I explained using my hands to gesture things. I always do that.

"By incredible things you mean?" He hung off his phrase like a question. "For example you can take over someone's body and manipulate it at your own will. Remember I can see what you can see, that's always been there it's just been ignored. So whenever you stray away within the house I could see the things you do."

"That's fucking creepy." He rubbed his arms, calming down his goosebumps. "Well our situation is already creepy alone." I smiled cheerfully.

My eyes wandered back up to Ricky, to see him blushing while staring at me. "What?" I asked and took his hands. "Nothing." He blushed harder.

"It's just that, if you have sex I could see it and nobody would know." He ruined the moment with that phrase.

I mentally face palmed once again and this time adding on the mental image of drop kicking Ricky to the floor.

"Rose!" Ricky had yelled out before being dropped to the floor. "I'm so sorry." I turned around and looked over at him laying down on the floor, holding his face.

"You're not." He grumbled weakly, "I am not." I smiled sweetly.

Now all we got to focus on is, working on making our dreams come true.

(( this is my second book and I'm so stoked to release it, I got this idea from a very amazing game called; Beyond Two Souls, it may have similarities but I'm making it different so that I can also add my things and make it more exciting. Hope you guys love it 😘💕👻))

Dark Passenger || Ricky "Horror" OlsonWhere stories live. Discover now