Adopted by One Direction

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Zoe's Pov

My steady hand sketches the cold room; the vase with no flowers, the frame with no picture, the bed with no pillow.

Outside the weather was grey and drizzling. There was no patches of blue sky, no birds singing. Just rain and smoke from people's cigarettes.

Yelling and beatings can be heard from downstairs, while the children sob and whisper to each other, terrified of this place.

I feel like I should curl up and sleep like one of those kids, but whenever I 'dream' the nightmares come back to haunt me. So I have to be strong, and hopefully someone will come- anyone- and take me from this horrible building. But for now, my only friends are my pencils and sketchbook, so I return to them, painting this gloomy picture.

Louis' Pov

"Guys, we have to do something!" I shouted at the boys "Management will be pissed if we don't!" Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry looked at me in surprise. I knew why.

Normally I was the loud, funny irresponsible one. Management were angry at us because we had been caught riding our car without a license, and they told us we had better do something spectacular so the paparazzi would lay off us.

"I got it!!", Zayn suddenly screeched. "We'll adopt a child, someone who's life is awful, then we'll take them an make them happy!" There was silence for a few seconds, then... "OMG!" "That's perfect", "Genius!" I smiled broadly. "Brilliant" I softly said. At once we were in action.

Niall phoned management and told them the news, whilst Liam and Harry searched the web for London Orphanages. Me and Zayn sat in the couch, making arrangements for the girl. We decided to gave a girl because there were only boys living with us, and it would be nice to have some nicer company. Also Danielle, Perrie and my Eleanor would be great mother figures.

We also decided that her last name would be Tomlinson, seeing as I'm the oldest. "Guys management accepted!" Niall shouted from the kitchen. " And we found a good orphanage!" Smiled Harry and Liam. "Let's go then guys!" I shouted and we rushed into our car with our driver waiting inside.

Liam's Pov

As we pulled up to the stone building, my heart skipped a beat. The ugly brick outside was crumbling and the peeling paint was flaking off. Alcohol bottle lay smashed on the ground, the aftermath of the drunks that lived in this area. I shuddered. Who must have to live in this awful place?

I was glad we were rescuing someone. We walked up to the door and knocked on the rotting wood. Shouts and bangs could be heard, then sobbing. An unattractive woman came to the door with a rude expression on his face. "Yes?" She asked. " Hi, we're here to adopt a girl."

"Follow me" she walked off down a dingy corridor. I was willing to bet my career that Health and Safety had never approved this place. She pointed to about 12 doors.

"There is one girl to each room. You may choose one. When you have, makes sure she's packed and come to the front desk," and with that she stalked off back down the corridor. We smiled at each other, then opened the first door.

Although this place was not a home, all the girls we had seen so far looked like they had friends an they'd be able to cope with it. There was just one girl left. Her name was Zoe Avla. We knocked softly on he door before entering.

The first thing we saw was her sketchbook. She slowly lowered it, allowing us to see her face. It was beautiful. She had dark blonde hair, wavy but not too curly. Her greeny blue eyes were outlined with a little eyeliner and her lashes were blackened by mascara. She wore some foundation over her white skin. The clothes she was wearing were hideous, black trousers and a striped vest; they belonged on old ladies, not a 12 year old girl. I caught my breath looking at her. She was really cute. "Hello, who are you?", she said in a soft voice. "We're One Direction and we're also adopting you!" Louis exclaimed happily.

"Re-really? Thank you! Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!" She broke off, sobbing tears of joy. Seeing her happy somehow made us happy. We packed her things- sketchbook, pencils and a music box her mother left her. We officially signed her out, and brought her back to our great house in Central London, a little over 6 million pounds! As soon as she saw it, she hugged us all, tears of joy spewing from her eyes.

I knew then that this was the best decision we had ever made.


Hey peeps! Hope you like the first chapter of my new book, Adopted by One Direction! I tried to paint you guys a picture for this chapter, so if you like it give it a vote and/or please tell your friends to read it. The picture is how i imagined Zoe before the boys found her :) If you have any suggestions please leave a comment in the comment box. I also am giving you guys the chance to be in my story! I need people for:

Zoe's best friend

Zoe's crush

And Zoe's enemy

If you are interested in any of these, again, leave a comment in the comment books. Thanks for reading!

Hugs and kisses~

Elou x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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