:: Chapter 1 ::

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" Finish your assignment and hand it to me next month . That assignment will be half of your grade in examination this year "
My mind was going crazy when heard that . I can't wait for the expidition and solve some mysteries .
But only one problem , I only have 5 in my group . Who else can join my group ?
" Hey , are you searching for one teammate ? " suddenly a girl appeared . " Ya , of course " I answered . " Can I join you ? " she asked . " Sure " finaly my team was full .
" So , what we gonna do for our assignment ? " Randy asked me .
My mind was blank and don't know where we gonna go for the task .
Suddenly , Billy spread a piece of paper .
" This is where we gonna go "
" A mysterious jungle called Anvalla Woods ? Are you sure ? It sounds like creepy " Lily said .
" More creepy , more marks " I said .
I read the paper for my teammates , " Avalla Woods as known as Cruel Jungle bcz everyone who entered the jungle cannot get out alive except for a guy name Brett Sten . He get out with a lot of bruises and cuts but , after a day he get out , he died bcz of a mystery poison . It sounds great ! " I really excited . If I can reveal the mystery of the jungle , I will be a millionaire !
" No way ... " Jessica said , " Search for another place please ? " she was a sissy girl .
" Tomorrow , pack your stuff and let's discover this woods .
Oh no ! Tomorrow I will go to an expidition . What should I do ?
I walked downstairs and watching television to release my stressed .
News ;
" Breaking news . Another survivors died in Avalla Woods . The dead-body was showed the forensic that they dead bcz of the same poisons that killed Brett Sten . Their face changed into a creepy monster "
I closed my eyes when saw the face of the dead body . I don't want my face seems like that . I called Jim hurriedly and asked him to cancel the expiditon and search another place but , he refused . Oh god ....
So , how about it ? Is it good ? Let me know by ur comments . Don't forget to follow me^^ . Love you guys . Wait for the next chapter okay ?
P/S : Sorry 4 the short story . This is only the introduction .

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