Chapter XI: Levi's Point of View

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Previously: Eren and Levi have gone on their first date and are now officially dating.


- Levi's Pov -

Eren and I have been a couple for about a couple weeks now. I have to say it has been an interesting experience.

When I first met Eren I thought he was just a brat, I don't even know why I saved him I'm not exactly a sympathetic person and I wasn't planning on getting into any trouble while in this school. After that the same thing kept happening to me, he would approach me and I would let him stay. Before I knew it we were "friends". I let someone get close to me for the first time in a long time. You would have thought that I would be hesitant about it it I wasn't. For some inexplicable reason I trusted him.

As far as my feelings for him go I think they started developing after I went to his house the first time. I've always known that I'm gay, although I've never gotten close enough to someone to actually have a relationship. I've had stupid crushes and gone on dates but nothing real. But Eren is different, he was and is persistent but not annoying. I enjoy spending time with him and he never makes me feel bad about myself or being different than other people.
I feel safe with him.

Although I never believed that we would be in a relationship. That night when he sort of accidentally confessed I didn't mean to kiss him. It was one of the few times in my life I wasn't in total control. Again that's why I think I really like Eren, I trust him enough to let my guard down.

We've gone on a couple more dates since the first one. To the movies, to the park again and just hanging out at Cafés or at his house when his sister isn't home. He has been so ridiculously patient with me. I can see him hesitate to kiss me or make any physical contact just to be respectful to me. It makes me frustrated, I'm not fragile and I want make it up to him for all he's done for me.

So I've been trying to talk to him more and if I can't do that I take a hold of his hand or kiss him. As we have been a couple for awhile now I want to do something special for him. It's a Fiday and Erwin and his parents are visiting family out of town so Eren and I are watching a movie at the house. I'm laying on him as he absentmindedly plays with my hair. The movie finishes and he looks down at me.

"How'd you like the movie?" He asks.

"It was fine, the main character had some serious anger issues though," I say, yawning.

"Yeah, I kind of liked him though," he says.

"He was kinda cute," I say teasingly.

"Hey!" He says in mock offense.

"Oh relax, you know I think your the cutest," I love these moments the best.

Although I do say all these things with a straight face and I think it bugs him. Ugh another reason to be self-conscious about our relationship. He probably senses this because he sits up and brings me to his chest in a hug.

"Stop doubting yourself, you are the most perfect boyfriend anyone could ask for, okay?"

He gives me a small peck on the lips. This would be a good time to smile but I can't, I don't know why. I could almost say I love this boy and I can't even smile at him.

"Thank you," I say.

He pulls me into a deeper kiss and we make out for a for a couple minutes before going back to cuddling. This boy makes me so freaking happy.

"Hey Levi?" He asks after a little while.


"Would you be comfortable with telling Mikasa about us. I'm too scared to face her alone but your important to me I don't want to keep hiding this. Plus it will be easier for us to hang out together."

Not exactly what I was thinking as far as doing something for him but I wasn't opposed to this and I'm sure as heck not scared of his sister.

"Of course, I don't have a problem with it."

"Really?! Thank you so much!"

"Of course," I pause. "Do you think she'll take it well?"

"I honestly don't know," he says with a sigh.


Eren planned to confront Mikasa the next day. I went to his house that morning after Mikasa left for work and we hung out. A few minutes before Mikasa was supposed to get home we sat down on the couch in the living room. I could see him getting nervous he kept fidgeting and it was getting on my nerves. I grabbed his hand and gave him a look of reassurance. He smiled in response but I could tell he was still internally freaking out. We continue waiting and Eren is sweating more than Bertolt.

"I can't do this," he says and tries to stand up.

I pull him back down and look him directly in the eyes.

"You are overreacting again, this isn't as big of a deal as your making it so calm down," I say calmly but firmly.

He calms down a bit. Then we hear the door open. He jumps up, looks at me. I nod and urge him on, he gives me a weak smile and walks towards the door. He greets Mikasa with a hug. She sees me and looks back at Eren confused. I can't hear them but after a minute he walks her over and sits her down on the opposite couch and comes back to sit next next to me.

"So Mikasa, um I, uh we wanted to tell you that... " he takes my hand. "That we are... well, dating."

Mikasa's eyes widen and she looks at me and then back at Eren. She then puts her hand on her forehead.

"So that's why you've acting so strange," she says sighing.

"What?" She smiles and rolls her eyes.

"You aren't the greatest at hiding things you know, you've been on edge around me for awhile now. Especially in the last few weeks I figured something was up. Honestly I may be a bit protective but it's not like I'm not going to stop you from dating."

"Seriously?" Eren looks both shocked and relieved. "Thanks Mikasa!"

He stands up bringing me with him and gives his sister a hug and then pulls me in for an awkward group hug.

"Yeah I'm just glad your not doing drugs or anything weird," Mikasa says rolling her eyes again at her brother and then looks at me. "Be good to him or I will kill you."

I nod, expression unchanging and Eren facepalms himself. She goes up to her room and Eren turns and kisses me lovingly.

"I'm glad that went well," I say when we pull away.

He smiles a big dorky smile and we fall asleep watching TV together.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this special chapter with Levi's perspective. Thank you to everyone who has been this. *blows kisses*

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