Pursuit of Destiny - History is Boring

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Alexis' POV

I hate history and it's my first subject morrow! It's not that I don't know anything about it but I just don't like it. I get bored whenever they talk about the culture, the politics, the government, the society and the likes. Some can be emotional about it like they're the ones experienced it. Like Duhh? Cut the drama already and move forward. How can we move forward if we always look at the past stating that in the past people are like this, they do this, they speak like this, they act like this. Come on! That's pathetic. Well, I just don't like it.

I don't excel to any subject either, if you must ask, because I'm a rebel. I don't take things seriously.

That's a lie.

I'm serious and I'm not that bad like what they know. Yes, I'm pulling off a show. I need to act differently specially to people that aren't close to me. I push people away. I don't like attachments. I don't like to be linked emotionally and physically . Why? Because I've already experienced to be left out, to be broken, to be deceived and I don't think I could ever bear to experience the pain of being left again. Not this time or the near future.

I have always this thought whenever I'm alone. The memory flashed again and the pain it caused me is still fresh like it had only happened yesterday.

"I'm so sorry Alexis, but I need to end this", Rico said to me right in front of my face. He's been my boyfriend for two years. I loved him so much. I loved him that I gave everything to him. Everything. And hearing those words from him pierced my heart.

"End what, Rico? I don't understand", my voice cracked. I couldn't move. I froze of the moment. Is he leaving me? Please don't.

"This. You and me. I'm so sorry. ", he said, unhesitatingly

"But why? What could be the reason? I thought we're fine. I thought you said you love me and you will never leave me. We are happy, right?", I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"I did love you, Lexi. I was happy and I regret everything. I couldn't keep up with this relationship anymore, I don't want to be unfair to you. I'm sorry Alexis but the problem is with me. I'm having an affair with someone and I don't want to hide it to you anymore. You need to let me go.", he said without even blinking.

Wow! Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. My blood is boiling, my head is spinning to what I've heard. So, just like that? I'm crying in despair. Tears kept falling from my eyes. My heart is bursting. I want to escape this. This isn't happening. It hurts so much I'd rather be dead. I don't know what to say. How could he asked me to let him go? He should have asked me to be dead instead.

But thank God I've move on.

I have never thought I could get through all of that. That I'll be able to let go and forget about him. It wasn't easy. I always cry at night anticipating his call or text but nothing came. Since then, I promised myself that I would never, ever, allow someone to mess up with me again. No one can ever hurt me again. No one can make me cry again. "Sweet Revenge", I thought. I need to be strong. See, my defense is easy, that's what you think but it's not. Because I'm gonna act like someone that I'm not. I'm gonna act like I'm strong and that it's okay to be alone. That It's okay to feel your being shunned by everyone. It's OK!

I need to sleep now. Ahh. Why do I have to remember those things which made my life miserable? My class starts at 7 am tomorrow. Looking at my watch, it says there that it is already past half 12.

"God, I really need to sleep now".


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