The Running Game

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Hey my name is Joe Manny I live in a shitty town called Kela. I don't know where I'm at all I know is Korea has destroyed half of the U.S. Our basic lifestyle is to fight off Koreans and find food. "Hey Joe" said Mike. Do you want to go out of the district. No are you crazy snipers and the electric fence is on. Come on the Gilbert boys dug a hole !under the fence. They also told me they saw a deer out there. Do you know how much money we can get for a deer. Okay I will come let me get my spear. I bring my spear in case I see an animal and Koreans camp outside the district. I've only been out twice. Last time a Korean shot me in the arm. We crawled under the fence. Then we heard gun shots. We continued then we saw a animal we got closer and it was a body. Suddenly car starting swarming us. They were speaking Chinese or something. They put us in the back. One of the hit Mike and knock him out. BOOM it struck me like a rocket and I was out. I woke up in a warehouse with mike beside me. I woke Mike up and he was shaking. I told him we have to get out of here. So we started to wander around. We found a door. ONE TWO THREE...... we went outside and back into the woods. We didn't know where we was. So we just ran until we found a pond. I jump in and so did Mike we heard cars coming. They were right there in front of us we can't hold are breath this long. I couldn't hold it anymore I popped my head up and they saw me. So I told Mike to swim to the other side. We took off under water with bullets diving in behind us. I reach the other side but where is Mike. Then I see him struggle in to swim. So I pulled him out of the water and put him on my back and into the woods. Miles I ran and i felt some kind of string on my leg then I stopped put Mike down. I seen it was fishing string and a hook wrapped around my leg. It must have stuck on while i was swimming. I asked mike what was wrong he pointed to his arm. My god he was shot. I pulled the bullet out with my nails. I sewed it closed with the fishing string and hook. We should rest Mike said. Okay I'm going to build a fire. I use a stick technique my dad talk me to make the fire. I lied back and rested. Like that I was asleep. I woke up to a squirrel ran through the leafs. But where is Mike. Hey sleeping beauty Mike was behind a tree. What are you doing Mike. I'm taking a piss can I get some privacy. The morning hit and I was up. We were ready for another day. We walked for 3 hours until we came across that body again. We knew where we were. Like that we both ran and crawled under the fence. We went to my house and my mom and Mikes mom was there. They were crying and running to hug us. Where were y'all at y'all were gone for 2 weeks. We exchanged looks we said we were only gone for 2 days. Mike said how long was we asleep. I don't know. We never went out of the district again. Until.

Isaiah Baxter

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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