Chapter 1

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Message sent.

Aaron: Hey
Levi: yo

Aaron smiled. He loved talking to Levi. He was his best friend. If only they could see each other more.
Oh well, Aaron thought, at least we can talk at all right? Some parents are 100% against Internet friends.
That must suck.

Levi: what's up?
Aaron: nmu? just a bit bummed

Levi: aw whys that?
Aaron: /: I miss you

Levi smiled but furrowed his brows. He missed Aaron too. He couldn't wait till they met up again.

Levi: I miss you too
when we can't see eachother I'm )):
Aaron: sigh me too

Levi: it's okay we'll see each other soon

Ha, I hope so, Aaron thought.

Aaron: I really hope.
everyday we're apart I cry a lil
Aaron: lmao just being honest

Levi: me too, m8, me too

Aaron smiled again. Levi always made him laugh. He never failed to cheer him up, no matter what happened. He was just that sort of friend.

He loved him. Oh, er, platonically of course. Friends is all they'd ever be, after all.

Levi: So I was thinking,,,

Aaron: hm?

Levi: oh uh nvm

Aaron: what now you gotta tell me
Levi: no just please nvm

This was suspicious but okay.
Aaron: o ok

He trusted Levi with life, after all.
If he said drop it, he did. He respected anything he said.

The Story of Aaron and LeviWhere stories live. Discover now